Source: Greuter, W. (2006+): Compositae (pro parte majore). – In: Greuter, W. & Raab-Straube, E. von (ed.): Compositae. Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Hypochaeris, Sp. Pl.: 810. 1753 wfo-4000018830
- ≡Achyrophorus, Fam. Pl. 2: 112, 512. 1763 wfo-4000000262
- ≡Porcellites in Cuvier, Dict. Sci. Nat. 43: 42. 1826 wfo-4000030934
- =Seriola, Sp. Pl., ed. 2: 1139. 1763 wfo-4000035146
- =Trommsdorffia, Syst. Verz.: 102. 1800 wfo-4000039454
- =Robertia in Lamarck & Candolle, Fl. Franç., ed. 3, 5: 453. 1815 wfo-4000033335
AE(G T) ?Ab(A) Ag Al Au(A L) BH Be(B L) Bl(I M N) Br Bu By Ca(dC dF dG dH dL dP T) Cg Co Cr Cs Ct Cy Da Es Fe Ga(C F M) Ge Gg Gr Hb(E N) He Ho Hs(A G S) Hu Ir It La Le Li Lt Lu Ma Md(D M P) Mk Mo No Po Rf(C CS E K N NW S) Rm Sa Si(M S) Sk Sl Sr Su Sy Tn Tu(A E) Uk [pAz(C F G J L M P S T)]
Euro+Med: Albania native; Algeria native; Austria, with Liechtenstein native (Austria native, Liechtenstein native); Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan (core) native: presence questionable); Azores (Corvo introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisation, Faial introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisation, Flores introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisation, Graciosa introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisation, Pico introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisation, Santa Maria introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisation, São Jorge introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisation, São Miguel introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisation, Terceira introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisation); Baleares native (Ibiza native, Mallorca native, Menorca native); Belarus native; Belgium, with Luxembourg native (Belgium native, Luxembourg native); Bosnia-Herzegovina native; Bulgaria native; Canary islands native (Fuerteventura native: doubtfully native, Gomera native: doubtfully native, Gran Canaria native: doubtfully native, Hierro native: doubtfully native, La Palma native: doubtfully native, Lanzarote native: doubtfully native, Tenerife native); Corsica native; Crete, with Karpathos native; Croatia native; Cyprus native; Czech Republic native; Denmark native; East Aegean islands (Greek East Aegean islands native, Turkish East Aegean islands native); Estonia native; Finland native; Former Yugoslavia native; France, with Channel is. and Monaco (Channel islands native, France native, Monaco native); Georgia native; Germany native; Great Britain native; Greece native; Hungary native; Ireland, with N Ireland native (Ireland native, Northern Ireland native); Israel/Palestine native; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City native; Latvia native; Lebanon native; Libya native; Lithuania native; Madeira archipelago native (Desertas native, Madeira island native, Porto Santo native); Moldova native; Montenegro native; Morocco native; Netherlands native; North Macedonia native; Norway native; Poland native; Portugal native; Romania native; Russia (C European Russia native, E European Russia native, Kaliningrad region native, N European Russia native, NW European Russia native, North Caucasus native, S European Russia native); Sardinia native; Serbia, with Kosovo native; Sicily, with Malta native (Malta native, Sicily native); Slovakia native; Slovenia native; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra native (Andorra native, Gibraltar native, Spain native); Sweden native; Switzerland native; Syria native; Tunisia native; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part native, Turkey-in-Europe native); Ukraine native; Ukraine, with Crimea native
Common Names
Albanian (Albania): HipokerA; Arabic (Lebanon): سِرْيولَةB, هيبُشَريسC; Arabic (Syria): هيبُشَريسD; Bulgarian (Bulgaria): ХипохерисE; Czech (Czech Republic): NáholníkF, PrasetníkF; Estonian (Estonia): PõrsasheinG; Finnish (Finland): häränsilmätH; French (Corse): PorcelleI; French (France): PorcelleJ; German (Germany): FerkelkrautK; German (Switzerland): FerkelkrautL; Hebrew (Israel): הִיפּוֹכֵרִיסM, היפוכריסM; Italian (Italy): CostolinaN,O; Italian (Switzerland): CostolinaP; Latvian (Latvia): PelūdeG; Lithuanian (Lithuania): DžiugūnėG; Polish (Poland): ProsienicznikQ; Romanian (Moldova): Буруянэ порчаскэR; Swedish (Sweden & Finland): rosettfibblorH; Swedish (Sweden): RosettfibblorS
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H. Kurtto, A., Lampinen, R., Piirainen, M. & Uotila, P. 2019: Checklist of the vascular plants of Finland. Suomen putkilokasvien luettelo. – Helsinki: Finnish Museum of Natural History LUOMUS
K. Rothmaler, W. H. P. 2005: Exkursionsflora von Deutschland, 4: Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band, ed. 10. – München
P. Aeschimann, D. & Heitz, C. 1996: Indice sinonimico della Flora della Svizzera e territori limitrofi
Q. Mirek, Z., Piękoś-Mirkova, H., Zając, A. & Zając, M. 2002: Flowering plants and pteridophytes of Poland. A Checklist. – Biodiversity Poland 1
R. Gejdeman, T. S. 1986: Opredelitel' vysših rastenij Moldavskoj SSR, ed. 3. – Kisinev: Shtiintza (as Trommsdorffia)