Ranunculus hederaceus
Source: Hörandl, E. & Raab-Straube, E. von (2015+): Ranunculeae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Ranunculus hederaceus, Sp. Pl.: 556. 1753 wfo-0000461100
- – "Ranunculus coenosus" sensu BRIQUET, J. & R. DE LITARDIÈRE - 8. - Prodrome de la flore corse. P. Lechevalier, Paris, 1936-1955. 2/2: [I]-XXVIII, [ii], [1]-[216]. "1935" [mars 1936]; 3/1: [I]-XII, [ii], [1]-205. 1938 (mai); 3/2: [I]-XVIII, [i], [1]-264. 1955 (oct.-déc.).1; sensu HALÁCSY, E. DE - Supplementum secundum conspectus florae graecae. Budapestini, 1912. Magyar Bot. Lapok 11: 114-202.
Ag Be(B L) Br Ct Da Es Ga(C F) Ge Hb(E N) Ho Hs(S) La Lu Ma Mo †No Su Tn
Euro+Med not endemic: Algeria nativeA,B; Belgium, with Luxembourg nativeC,D (Belgium nativeE, Luxembourg nativeE,F); Croatia nativeG,H; Denmark nativeD,I,J; Estonia nativeK,L; France, with Channel is. and Monaco nativeB,C,D (Channel islands nativeM,N, France nativeO,P); Germany nativeD,Q,R,S,T,U; Great Britain nativeD,M,N,V; Ireland, with N Ireland nativeD (Ireland nativeM,N,V,W, Northern Ireland nativeM,N,V,W); Latvia nativeL; Moldova nativeL; Morocco nativeA,B,X,Y,Z; Netherlands nativeD,AA; Norway native: formerly nativeD,J; Portugal nativeB,D,AB; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra nativeB,D (Spain nativeAB,AC); Sweden nativeD,J,AD,AE; Tunisia nativeA,B
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