Hieracium humile
Source: Greuter, W. (2006+): Compositae (pro parte majore). – In: Greuter, W. & Raab-Straube, E. von (ed.): Compositae. Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Hieracium humile, Hort. Bot. Vindob. 3: 2. 1776 wfo-0000027358
● Ag ?Al Au(A L) BH Cg Co Ct Ga(F) Ge ?Gr He Hs(S) It Sl Sr
Euro+Med endemic: Albania native: presence questionableA; Algeria nativeB,C; Austria, with Liechtenstein (Austria native ‒ nativeD,E, Liechtenstein native); Bosnia-Herzegovina native; Corsica native ‒ nativeE,F,G,H,I; Croatia native ‒ nativeJ; Former Yugoslavia native ‒ nativeE; France, with Channel is. and Monaco (France native ‒ nativeE,K,L); Germany native ‒ nativeE,M,N,O; Greece native: presence questionableP,Q; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City native ‒ nativeE,R; Montenegro native; Serbia, with Kosovo native; Slovenia native ‒ nativeS,T; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra (Spain native ‒ nativeE,U,V,W,X,Y); Switzerland native ‒ nativeE,Z,AA
Common Names
French (France): Épervière humbleAB, Épervière peu élevéeAB; French (Switzerland): Epervière peu élevéeAC; German (Germany): Niedriges HabichtskrautAD; German (Switzerland): Niedriges HabichtskrautAE; Italian (Italy): Sparviere laceratoR; Italian (Switzerland): Sparviere laceratoAF; Slovenian (Slovenia): Nizka škržolicaAG
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P. Parent, G. H. 2005: Données floristiques inédites sur les montagnes grecques. – Syst. Geogr. Pl. 75: 195-238 (as Hieracium humile aggr.)
Q. Raab-Straube, E. von & Raus, Th. (ed.) 2013: Euro+Med-Checklist Notulae, 1. – Willdenowia 43: 151-164
U. Aizpuru, I., Aseginolaza, C., Uribe-Echebarría, P. M., Urrutia, P. & Zorrakin, I. 1999: Clave ilustrada de la flora del País Vasco y territorios limitrofes. – Vitoria-Gasteiz
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X. Mateo Sanz, G. 2007: Revisión sintética del género Hieracium L. en España, IV. Sect. Prenanthoidea, Glutinosa, Barbata, Intybacea, Italica y Eriophora. – Flora Montiberica 37: 47-62
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AA. Hess, H. E. 1998: Bestimmungsschlüssel zur Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete, ed. 4. – Basel, Boston & Berlin
AC. Aeschimann, D. & Heitz, C. 1996: Index synonymique de la flore de Suisse et territoires limitrophes (ISFS). – Genève
AD. Rothmaler, W. H. P. 2005: Exkursionsflora von Deutschland, 4: Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band, ed. 10. – München
AE. Aeschimann, D. & Heitz, C. 1996: Synonymie-Index der Schweizer Flora und der angenzenden Gebiete