Scorzonera purpurea
Source: Greuter, W. (2006+): Compositae (pro parte majore). – In: Greuter, W. & Raab-Straube, E. von (ed.): Compositae. Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Scorzonera purpurea, Sp. Pl.: 791. 1753 wfo-0000128688
Al Au(A) -Cr Cs Ct Ga(F) Ge Hu It Mo Po Rf(C E S) Rm Sk Sr Uk
Euro+Med not endemic: Albania nativeA,B,C; Austria, with Liechtenstein nativeD (Austria nativeE); Crete, with Karpathos native: reported in errorF; Croatia nativeG; Czech Republic nativeH,I,J,K,L; France, with Channel is. and Monaco (France nativeD,M,N,O,P,Q); Germany nativeD,R,S,T; Hungary nativeD,U,V; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativeD,W,X,Y,Z; Moldova nativeAA,AB; Poland nativeD,AC,AD; Romania nativeD,AE,AF; Russia (C European Russia nativeAA,AG, E European Russia nativeAA,AG, S European Russia nativeAA,AG); Serbia, with Kosovo nativeAH,AI; Slovakia nativeI,J,AJ; Ukraine nativeAA,AG,AK; Ukraine, with Crimea nativeAL
Common Names
Albanian (Albania): Skorzonerë e purpurtAM; Bulgarian (Bulgaria): Розовоцветен кокешAN; Czech (Czech Republic): Hadí mord nachovýAO; French (France): Scorsonère pourpreAP, Scorzonère pourpreAP; German (Germany): Violette SchwarzwurzelAQ; Italian (Italy): Scorzonera purpureaY; Polish (Poland): Wężymord stepowyAD; Romanian (Moldova): Скорцонерэ пурпуриеAB; Spanish; Castilian (Spain): escorzonera púrpuraAR
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AC. Mirek, Z. 1995: Vascular plants of Poland. A Checklist. – Polish Botanical Studies Guidebook Series 15
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