Nigella damascena
Source: Raab-Straube, E. von, Hand, R., Hörandl, E. & Nardi, E. (2014+): Ranunculaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Nigella damascena, Sp. Pl.: 534. 1753 wfo-0000380636
- =Nigella damascena var. minor, Voy. Bot. Espagne 2: 11. Oct 1839
- ≡Nigella damascena subsp. minor in Boll. Reale Orto Bot. Palermo 1: 151. 1897
- – "Nigella elata" sensu OSORIO-TAFALL B. F. & G. M. SERAPHIM - List of the vascular plants of Cyprus. Ministry of agriculture and natural resources, Nicosia, 1973. [i]-v, [i], 1-137.1
● AE(G) Ag Al BH Bl(I M N) Bu Cg Cm Co Cr Ct Cy Ga(F) Gg Gr dHe Hs(S) It Le Li Lu Ma Mk Sa Si(M S) Sl Sr Tn Tu(A E) [Ab(A) Au(A) aAz(F) aBe nBr By Ca(G P T) aCs aDa Es aFe nGe Hb(aE) Hu Md(M) Mo aNo Rf(C CS E NW S) Rm ?Sg aSu Uk]
Euro+Med endemicA,B,C,D: Albania nativeE,F,G,H,I,J,K; Algeria nativeF,L; Austria, with Liechtenstein (Austria introducedM,N); Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan (core) introducedO,P); Azores (Faial casualQ); Baleares nativeF,I (Ibiza nativeA,C,R, Mallorca nativeA,C,R, Menorca nativeA,C,R); Baltic states, with Kaliningrad region introducedS,T; Belarus introducedS,T; Belgium, with Luxembourg casualU; Bosnia-Herzegovina nativeG; Bulgaria nativeF,G,I,V; Canary islands (Gomera introducedW,X, La Palma introducedW,X, Tenerife introducedX); Corsica nativeB,F,I,Y,Z,AA; Crete, with Karpathos nativeF,G,I,AB,AC; Crimea nativeF,I,AD,AE,AF,AG,AH; Croatia nativeG,AI,AJ; Cyprus nativeF; Czech Republic casualAK; Denmark casualAL,AM; East Aegean islands nativeF (Greek East Aegean islands nativeAB,AC); Estonia introducedAN; Finland casualAM; Former Yugoslavia nativeF,I; France, with Channel is. and Monaco (France nativeF,I,N,AA,AO); Georgia nativeO,P,AP,AQ,AR; Germany naturalisedAS,AT,AU,AV; Great Britain naturalisedAW,AX; Greece nativeF,G,I,AB,AC; Hungary introducedAY; Ireland, with N Ireland introducedAX (Ireland casualAW,AZ); Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativeF,I,N,BA; Lebanon nativeBB; Libya nativeF,L; Madeira archipelago (Madeira island introducedX,BC); Moldova introducedS,T,BD; Montenegro nativeG,BE; Morocco nativeF,L,BF,BG; North Macedonia nativeG,BH; Norway casualAM,BI; Portugal nativeC,F,I; Romania introducedBJ; Russia (C European Russia introducedS,T, E European Russia introducedS,T, NW European Russia introducedS,T, North Caucasus introducedO,P, S European Russia introducedS,T); Salvage islands introduced: presence questionableBC; Sardinia nativeF,I,BA,BK; Serbia, with Kosovo nativeBL; Serbia, with Kosovo and Montenegro nativeG; Sicily, with Malta nativeI (Malta nativeF, Sicily nativeF,BA,BM,BN); Slovenia nativeBO; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra nativeF,I (Spain nativeA,C); Sweden casualAM; Switzerland native: doubtfully nativeBP,BQ; Tunisia nativeF,L; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part nativeF,BR, Turkey-in-Europe nativeF,I,BR); Ukraine introducedS,T,BS,BT; Ukraine, with Crimea introducedBS,BT
Common Names
Aragonese (Spain): arañuelaBU; Basque (Spain): abecheaBU, gatu-bixarBU, katu-bixarBU, katu-bixarraBU; Catalan; Valencian (Spain): aranyaBU, aranya de campBU, aranyasBU, aranyolaBU, barba d'ermitàBU, barba d'ermitáBU, barba de ermitàBU, barba d´ermitàBU, ermitàBU, estelBU, estela-mareBU, estrella de campBU, estrelleta de campBU, estrelletes de campBU, flor d'aranyaBU, llanternesBU, lluentaBU, niella lluentBU, niella lluentaBU, unflabouBU; Finnish (Finland): tarhaneitoBV; Galician (Spain): barbas-do-velhoBU, damas-entre-verdeBU, damas-no-bosqueBU, luceirosBU, lucerosBU; Majorcan (Mallorca): aranyaBU, arañaBU, estela-mareBU, herba de capsetaBU, llanternasBU, llanternesBU; Majorcan (Menorca): llanternaBU; Portuguese (Portugal): alipivreBU, alipivre-dos-camposBU, barbas de velhoBU, barbas-de-velhoBU, barbas-do-velhoBU, cabelos-de-VénusBU, dama-entre-verdesBU, damas entre verdeBU, damas no bosqueBU, damas-do-bosqueBU, damas-entre-verdeBU, damas-no-bosqueBU, luceirosBU, nigelaBU, nigela-dos-alqueivesBU; Spanish; Castilian (Spain): agenuzBU, agenuz de jardínBU, ajeluzBU, ajenuzBU, ajenuz de jardínBU, arañaBU, arañasBU, arañuelaBU, arañuelasBU, axenuzBU, axenuz de jardín que hace la simiente muy negraBU, capuchinoBU, ermitàBU, estrella de marBU, farolilloBU, manuelesBU, neguillaBU, neguilla comúnBU, neguilla damascenaBU, neguilla damascena de CienfuegosBU, neguilla damascena de flor dobladaBU, neguilla de DamascoBU, neguilla que hace la simiente muy negraBU, trompoBU; Swedish (Sweden & Finland): jungfrun i det grönaBV; Valencian (Spain): aranyaBU, flor d'aranyaBU, unflabouBU
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