Agrimonia eupatoria
Source: Kurtto, A. (2009+): Rosaceae (pro parte majore). In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Agrimonia eupatoria, Sp. Pl.: 448. 1753 wfo-0001006654
Ab Ag Al Ar Au(A) BH Be(B L) Bl(M N) Br Bu By Ca(T) Cg Cm Co Cr Cs Ct Cy Da Es Fe Ga Ge Gg Gr Hb(E N) He Ho Hs(A S) Hu Ir It La Le Lt Lu Ma dMd(M) Mk Mo No Po Rf(C CS E K N NW) Rm Sa Si(S) Sk Sl Sr Su Sy Tn Tu(A E) Uk [Az(F G J L M P S T)]
Euro+Med not endemicA,B,C,D,E,F: Albania native ‒ nativeG,H,I,J; Algeria native ‒ nativeK,L; Armenia nativeM; Austria, with Liechtenstein native ‒ nativeI (Austria nativeN,O); Azerbaijan native ‒ nativeP,Q; Azores introduced ‒ introducedR (Faial introduced ‒ introducedR, Flores introduced ‒ introducedR, Graciosa introduced ‒ introducedR, Pico introduced ‒ introducedR, Santa Maria introduced ‒ introducedR, São Jorge introduced ‒ introducedR, São Miguel introduced ‒ introducedR, Terceira introduced ‒ introducedR); Baleares native ‒ nativeI (Mallorca native ‒ nativeS,T, Menorca native ‒ nativeS,T); Belarus native ‒ nativeR; Belgium, with Luxembourg native ‒ nativeI (Belgium nativeU, Luxembourg nativeV); Bosnia-Herzegovina native ‒ nativeR; Bulgaria native ‒ nativeI,W,X; Canary islands native (Tenerife native); Corsica native ‒ nativeA,C,I; Crete, with Karpathos nativeR; Crimea native ‒ nativeI; Croatia native ‒ nativeY,Z; Cyprus nativeD; Czech Republic native ‒ nativeO,AA,AB,AC; Denmark native ‒ nativeI,AD; Estonia native ‒ nativeAE; Finland native ‒ nativeI,AF; Former Yugoslavia native ‒ nativeI; France, with Channel is. and Monaco native ‒ nativeI,AG; Georgia native ‒ nativeAH; Germany native ‒ nativeI,O,AI,AJ,AK; Great Britain native ‒ nativeI; Greece native ‒ nativeI; Hungary native ‒ nativeI,AL,AM; Ireland, with N Ireland native ‒ nativeI (Ireland nativeAN, Northern Ireland nativeR); Israel/Palestine nativeAO,AP; Israel/Palestine-Jordan nativeF; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City native ‒ nativeE,I; Latvia native ‒ nativeAE; Lebanon nativeAQ; Lebanon-Syria nativeF; Lithuania native ‒ nativeAE; Madeira archipelago native: doubtfully nativeAR (Madeira island native); Moldova native ‒ nativeAS; Montenegro nativeR,AT; Morocco native ‒ nativeK,AU,AV,AW; Netherlands native ‒ nativeI,AX,AY; North Macedonia native ‒ nativeAZ; Norway native ‒ nativeI,BA; Poland native ‒ nativeI,O,BB; Portugal native ‒ nativeI,S,BC; Romania native ‒ nativeI,BD; Russia (C European Russia native ‒ nativeR, E European Russia native ‒ nativeR, Kaliningrad region native ‒ nativeR, N European Russia native ‒ nativeR, NW European Russia nativeR, North Caucasus nativeP); Sardinia native ‒ nativeE,I; Serbia, with Kosovo native ‒ nativeBE; Serbia, with Kosovo and Montenegro native; Sicily, with Malta native ‒ nativeI (Sicily nativeE); Slovakia native ‒ nativeAA,AB,BF,BG; Slovenia native ‒ nativeBH; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra native ‒ nativeI (Andorra native ‒ nativeS, Spain native ‒ nativeS,BI,BJ); Sweden native ‒ nativeI,BK,BL; Switzerland native ‒ nativeI,O,BM,BN; Syria nativeAO,AP,AQ; Tunisia native ‒ nativeK,BO; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part native ‒ nativeB, Turkey-in-Europe native ‒ nativeI); Ukraine native ‒ nativeR; Ukraine, with Crimea native ‒ nativeBP,BQ
Common Names
Aragonese (Spain): agrimoniaBR, alimoniaBR, arquimoniaBR, esmermasangreBR, mermasangreBR, oragaBR, yerba triperaBR; Basque (Spain): lachaskiaBR, lafatiñaxeheBR, lafatiñaxeheaBR, lapatinaBR, lapatiñaBR, latxaskiBR, latxaskiaBR, latxatuaBR, orrorchetaBR, orrortxetaBR, usu-belarBR, usu-belarraBR; Catalan; Valencian (Spain): agramònicaBR, agrimoniBR, agrimòniaBR, agrimònia comunaBR, brutònicaBR, cerverolaBR, escabaiosaBR, escabiosaBR, estranyBR, flor de Sant AntoniBR, garmònicaBR, gramonicaBR, gramònicaBR, gremòniaBR, grimòniaBR, herba de Sant AntoniBR, herba de Sant RamonBR, herba de garrotilloBR, herba de la sangBR, herba de les set sangriesBR, herba de mal estranyBR, herba de sant GuillemBR, herba del malBR, herba del mal estranyBR, herba del mal stranyBR, herba dels cucsBR, herba grimòniaBR, herba ramonaBR, herba tosseraBR, herberolaBR, sereretaBR, serveretaBR, serverinaBR, serverolaBR, set sagniesBR, set sangriesBR, setge blancBR, setsagniesBR, setsangriesBR; Finnish (Finland): maarianverijuuriBS; Galician (Spain): agrimoniaBR, agrimonioBR, agrimóniaBR, amores pequenosBR, amores pequeñosBR, amoricosBR, eupatória-dos-gregosBR; Greek, Modern (1453-) (Greece): Αγριμονία η ΕυπατόριοςBT; High Aragonese (Spain): alimoniaBR, arquimoniaBR, esmermasangreBR, oragaBR, yerba triperaBR; Majorcan (Mallorca): cerverolaBR, herba de San AntoniBR, herba de garrotilloBR, serverolaBR; Portuguese (Portugal): agrimoniaBR, agrimóniaBR, amores pequeñosBR, amoricosBR, erva-agrimóniaBR, erva-eupatoriaBR, erva-eupatóriaBR, erva-hepáticaBR, estrelladaBR, eupatorioBR, eupatorio dos gregosBR, eupatória-dos-gregosBR, eupatório-dos-gregosBR, lagramonhaBR; Spanish; Castilian (Spain): agrimoniaBR, agrimonia comúnBR, agrimoñaBR, algafeteBR, algafilBR, algaphiteBR, alimoniaBR, amoresBR, amores pequeñosBR, amoricosBR, arquimoniaBR, cabsitiellaBR, cafalBR, cafetBR, cafilBR, caillos bordesBR, caphithBR, esmermasangreBR, eupatoriaBR, eupatorio de DioscóridesBR, eupatorio de los griegosBR, gafetiBR, gafetíBR, helechoBR, hierba baceraBR, hierba de San GuillermoBR, hierba de la gallinaBR, hierba del podadorBR, merma-sangreBR, mermasangreBR, oragaBR, serverolaBR, yerba de San GuillermoBR, yerba de San GuilllermoBR, yerba del podadorBR, yerba-baceraBR; Swedish (Sweden & Finland): småborreBS; Valencian (Spain): cerverolaBR, herba de la ramonaBR, lachasquiaBR, orrorchetaBR, serverinaBR, serverolaBR
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