Hieracium saxifragum
Source: Greuter, W. (2006+): Compositae (pro parte majore). – In: Greuter, W. & Raab-Straube, E. von (ed.): Compositae. Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Hieracium saxifragum in Nova Acta Regiae Soc. Sci. Upsal. 14: 100. 1848 wfo-0000130643
● Au(A) Br Co Cs Es Fe Ga(F) Ge Hb(E N) He Hs(A S) Hu It Lu No Po Rf(NW) Su
Euro+Med endemic: Austria, with Liechtenstein (Austria native ‒ nativeA,B); Corsica native ‒ nativeB,C,D; Czech Republic native ‒ nativeA,E,F,G,H; Estonia nativeI; Finland native ‒ nativeB,J,K,L,M; France, with Channel is. and Monaco (France native ‒ nativeA,B,N); Germany native ‒ nativeA,B,O,P; Great Britain native ‒ nativeB; Hungary nativeB,Q; Ireland, with N Ireland native ‒ nativeB (Ireland native, Northern Ireland native); Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City native ‒ nativeB; Norway native ‒ nativeB,J,M; Poland nativeR; Portugal nativeS; Russia (NW European Russia nativeT); Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra (Andorra nativeS,U, Spain native ‒ nativeB,S,U,V,W); Sweden native ‒ nativeB,J,M; Switzerland native ‒ nativeA,B,X
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C. Coste, H. 1975: Flore descriptive et illustrée de la France. Suppl. 3 [Jovet, P. & Vilmorin, R. de]. – Paris (as Hieracium saxifragum aggr.)
D. Retz, B. de 1970: Le genre Hieracium dans la flore de France. Clef dichotomique des espèces principales et intermédiaires. – Le Chesnay (Yvelines) (as Hieracium saxifragum aggr.)
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M. Samuelsson, G. 1954: Maps of a selection of Scandinavian Hieracium species. – Kongl(iga). svenska vetenskapsakademiens handlingar ser. 4, 5(3)
N. Coste, H. 1975: Flore descriptive et illustrée de la France. Suppl. 3 [Jovet, P. & Vilmorin, R. de]. – Paris
O. Rothmaler, W. H. P. 1994: Exkursionsflora von Deutschland, 4. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band, ed. 8. – Jena, Stuttgart
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Q. Horváth, F., Dobolyi, Z. K., Morschhauser, T, Lőkös, L., Karas, L. & Szerdahelyi, T. 1995: Flóra adatbázis 1.2. Taxon-lista és attribútum allomány. – Vácrátót (as Hieracium saxifragum aggr.)
R. Mirek, Z. 1995: Vascular plants of Poland. A Checklist. – Polish Botanical Studies Guidebook Series 15 (as Hieracium saxifragum aggr.)
T. Tzvelev, N. N. 2000: Opredelitel’ sosudistyhrastenij severo-zapadnoj Rossii (Leningradskaja, Pskovskaja i Novgorodskaja oblasti). – Sankt Peterburg
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V. Bolòs, O. de, Vigo Bonada, J., Masalles, R. M. & Ninot, J. M. 1990: Flora manual dels països catalans. – Barcelona
W. Smythies, B. E. 1984: Flora of Spain and the Balearic Islands. Checklist of vascular plants, 1. – Englera; Veröffentlichungen aus dem botanischen Garten und botanischen Museum, Berlin-Dahlem 3: 1-212
Y. Kuusk, V., Tabaka, L. & Jankjavičene, R. 2003: Flora baltijskich respublik. Flora of the Baltic countries. 3. – Tartu
Z. Kurtto, A., Lampinen, R., Piirainen, M. & Uotila, P. 2019: Checklist of the vascular plants of Finland. Suomen putkilokasvien luettelo. – Helsinki: Finnish Museum of Natural History LUOMUS
AA. Rothmaler, W. H. P. 2005: Exkursionsflora von Deutschland, 4: Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band, ed. 10. – München