Veronica opaca
Source: Marhold, K. (2011+): Veronica. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Veronica opaca, Novit. Fl. Svec.: 64. 1819 wfo-0000426121
● Au(A) Be Bu By Ct Da Es Ga(F) Ho Hu It La Lt Mo Rf(C E K NW) Rm Sk Sr Su Tu(A) UC [Fe Ge He Po]
Euro+Med endemicA: Austria, with Liechtenstein nativeB (Austria nativeC); Belarus nativeD; Belgium, with Luxembourg nativeB; Bulgaria nativeB,E; Croatia nativeF,G; Denmark nativeB,H; Estonia nativeD,I; Finland introducedB,J; Former Yugoslavia nativeB; France, with Channel is. and Monaco (France nativeB,K); Germany introducedB,L,M,N; Hungary nativeB,O,P; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativeA,B; Latvia nativeD,I; Lithuania nativeD,I; Moldova nativeQ; Netherlands nativeB,R,S; Poland introducedB,T; Romania nativeB,U; Russia (C European Russia nativeD, E European Russia nativeD, Kaliningrad region nativeD, NW European Russia nativeD); Serbia, with Kosovo nativeV; Slovakia nativeW,X,Y,Z; Sweden nativeB,AA,AB; Switzerland introducedB,AC,AD; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part nativeAE); Ukraine, with Crimea nativeD,AF,AG
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