New Taxa

Euro+Med PlantBase is recording all taxa recently described as new to science from the entire Euro+Med area, as soon as they are effectively published, starting from 2021. This list contains new species and subspecies as well as new higher taxa (genera and sections) that may include taxa already known at species or subspecies level. All newly described taxa are given here irrespective of their acceptance in the Euro+Med treatments, in chronological order.

2021 (219 new taxa)

2022 (245 new taxa)

2023 (160 new taxa)

As of 26th of June, the publication of 53 new taxa (one new genus, 51 new species and one new subspecies) has come to our attention, 17 of them described in Rubus from central France, 16 taxa from Türkiye, 8 from Spain and 4 (including 3 Limonium) from Greece. 3 Nigritella species were describedfrom the E Alps in Austria and Italy.

25th June 2024:
Limonium nichoriense Apost. & Constantin. in Phytotaxa 655: 164. 2024 (Greece: Peloponnisos)
Limonium ophioides
Apost. & Constantin. in Phytotaxa 655: 160. 2024 (Greece: Peloponnisos)

29 May 2024:
Nigritella perazzana W. Foelsche & al. in Joannea Bot. 20: 230. 2024 (Italy: Friuli - Venezia Giulia)

21 May 2024:
Hesperis sivasica Özüdoğru & al. in Phytotaxa 649: 262. 2024 (Türkiye: Sivas)

14 May 2024:
Gymnadenia winkeliana Anghelescu & al. in Plants [Basel] 13(10,1363): 38. 2024 (Romania: S Carpathians)

11 May 2024:
Narcissus smythiesii Fern. Casas in Fontqueria 57: 185. 2024 (Spain: Malaga)

20 May 2024:
Nigritella dulnigiana W. Foelsche in Ber. Arbeitskreis. Heimische Orchid. 40: 111. 2024 (Austria: Steiermark)
Nigritella sulzeri W. Foelsche in Ber. Arbeitskreis. Heimische Orchid. 40: 118. 2024 (Austria: Steiermark)

8 May 2024:
Castrila Blanca & al. in Taxon 73: ##. 2024 (Spain: Granada)
Castrila latens Blanca & al. in Taxon 73: ##. 2024 (Spain: Granada)

2 May 2024:
Centaurea haluntina Gianguzzi & al. in Phytotaxa 646: 177. 2024 (Italy: Sicily)

30 Apr 2024:
Petrorhagia dubia subsp. mustafanaOskay in Phytotaxa 646: 75. 2024 (Türkiye: Manisa)

26 Apr 2024:
Hieracium babiogorense Szeląg in Phytotaxa 645: 279. 2024 (Poland, Slovakia: W Carpathians)
Hieracium besseri Szeląg in Phytotaxa 645: 281. 2024 (Poland: W Carpathians)

11 Apr 2024:
Allium ahmet-tirasii Yıldırım in Phytotaxa 644: 103. 2024 (Türkiye: Alanya)

9 Apr 2024:
Thliphthisa sapphus Gutermann in PhytoKeys 241: 67. 2024 (Greece: Ionian Islands, Lefkada)

7 Apr 2024:
Ophrys eivissa
Riech. & H. Kohlmüller
in Ber. Arbeitskreis. Heimische Orchid. 40(1): 119. 2024
(Spain: Baleares, Ibiza)

31 Mar 2024:
Astragalus nallihanicus Hamzaoğlu in Acta Bot. Croat. 83: 29. 2024 (Türkiye: Ankara)

20 Mar 2024:
Gladiolus adanus Eker & Sağıroğlu in Phytotaxa 641: 211. 2024 (Türkiye: Adana)
Rubus falcatispinus Belhacène in Carnets Bot. 188: 9. 2024 (C France)

18 Mar 2024:
Astragalus miksensis Fırat in Phytotaxa 641: 150. 2024 (Türkiye: Van)

14 Mar 2024:
Hedysarum vuralii Yıldız & al. in Phytotaxa 641: 48. 2024 (Türkiye: Ankara)

13 Mar 2024:
Limonium artelariae Koutr. in Willdenowia 54: 71. 2024 (Greece: Crete)

11 Mar 2024:
Calendula ricardoi Simão & al. in Phytotaxa 640: 142. 2024 (Spain: Canary Islands, Fuerteventura)
Calendula sventenii Simão & al. in Phytotaxa 640: 142. 2024 (Spain: Canary Islands, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, Tenerife)

Feb 2024:
Rubus acanthidum Duboc & D. P. Mercier in Bull. Soc. Bot. Centre-Ouest, ser. 2, 54: 105. 2024 (C France)
Rubus chaumazellensis Duboc & D. P. Mercier in Bull. Soc. Bot. Centre-Ouest, ser. 2, 54: 107. 2024 (C France)
Rubus evahonae Duboc & D. P. Mercier in Bull. Soc. Bot. Centre-Ouest, ser. 2, 54: 106. 2024 (C France)
Rubus folia-convexa Duboc & D. P. Mercier in Bull. Soc. Bot. Centre-Ouest, ser. 2, 54: 108. 2024 (C France)
Rubus fontium-duraniae Duboc & D. P. Mercier in Bull. Soc. Bot. Centre-Ouest, ser. 2, 54: 100. 2024 (C France)
Rubus glandulae-rarae Duboc & D. P. Mercier in Bull. Soc. Bot. Centre-Ouest, ser. 2, 54: 101. 2024 (C France)
Rubus lupiarboris Duboc & D. P. Mercier in Bull. Soc. Bot. Centre-Ouest, ser. 2, 54: 104. 2024 (C France)
Rubus mirabeaui Duboc & D. P. Mercier in Bull. Soc. Bot. Centre-Ouest, ser. 2, 54: 99. 2024 (C France)
Rubus monneriensis Duboc & D. P. Mercier in Bull. Soc. Bot. Centre-Ouest, ser. 2, 54: 97. 2024 (C France)
Rubus nerisiensis Duboc & D. P. Mercier in Bull. Soc. Bot. Centre-Ouest, ser. 2, 54: 97. 2024 (C France)
Rubus organorum Duboc & D. P. Mercier in Bull. Soc. Bot. Centre-Ouest, ser. 2, 54: 102. 2024 (C France)
Rubus terjatensis Duboc & D. P. Mercier in Bull. Soc. Bot. Centre-Ouest, ser. 2, 54: 103. 2024 (C France)
Rubus treignacensis Duboc & D. P. Mercier in Bull. Soc. Bot. Centre-Ouest, ser. 2, 54: 110. 2024 (C France)
Rubus vassivierensis Duboc & D. P. Mercier in Bull. Soc. Bot. Centre-Ouest, ser. 2, 54: 110. 2024 (C France)
Rubus vincentiorum Duboc & D. P. Mercier in Bull. Soc. Bot. Centre-Ouest, ser. 2, 54: 109. 2024 (C France)

23 Feb 2024:
Cytisus polonicus Sennikov & Val. N. Tikhom. in PhytoKeys 238: 181. 2024 (Poland, Ukraine)
Sporobolus turcicus Hamzaoğlu in Anatol. J. Bot. 8(1): 12. 2024 (Türkiye: Aksaray)

22 Feb 2024:
Ophrys oceanica Soca in Flora Montiber. 88: 116. 2024 (France, Spain)

20 Feb 2024:
Campanula bergomensis F. Mangili & L. Mangili in Phytotaxa 637: 124. 2024 (Italy: Lombardia)
Taraxacum fagacearum A. Galán & E. Linares in Acta Bot. Malac. 49: 2. 2024 (Spain: Asturias)

12 Feb 2024:
Fritillaria yalcinii Balos & al. in Nordic J. Bot. 2024(e04220): 5. 2024 (Türkiye: Diyarbakır)

24 Jan 2024:
Tragopogon davutii-turanii Coşkunç. & Gültepe in Nordic J. Bot. 2024(e04178): 3. 2024 (Türkiye: NE Anatolia)

22 Jan 2024:
Leopoldia nigdeensis Eker & Eroğlu in Phytotaxa 635: 61. 2024 (Türkiye: Niğde)

18 Jan 2024:
Sideritis royoi L. Sáez & al. in Taxonomy 4: 113. 2024 (Spain: Catalonia, Tarragona)

16 Jan 2024:
Allium serpenticola Eker in Phytotaxa 634: 121. 2024 (Türkiye: Kayseri)

9 Jan 2024:
Cynoglossum anatolicum Sutorý in Phytotaxa 633: 246. 2024 (Türkiye: Amasya)
Cynoglossum longeglochidiatum Sutorý in Phytotaxa 633: 249. 2024 (Türkiye: Karaman)

3 Jan 2024:
Eremogone bingolensis
Behçet & Yapar in Phytotaxa 633: 2. 2024 (Türkiye: B8 Bingöl)
Leopoldia oztasii Eker & al. in Phytotaxa 633: 19. 2024 (Türkiye: Konya)