Rosa spinosissima

Rosa spinosissima


Source: Kurtto, A. (2009+): Rosaceae (pro parte majore). In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Rosa spinosissima L., Sp. Pl.: 491. 1753
  • =Rosa pimpinellifolia L., Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 2: 1062. 1759
  • =Rosa scotica Mill., Gard. Dict., ed. 8: Rosa no. 5. 1768
  • =Rosa chamaerhodon Vill., Hist. Pl. Dauphiné 3(1): 555. 1788
  • =Rosa myriacantha DC., Fl. Franç. 4(2): 439. 1805
  • =Rosa lutescens Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. Suppl.: 735. 1814
  • =Rosa rubella Sm. in Smith & Sowerby, Engl. Bot. 36: t. 2521. 1814
  • =Rosa microcarpa Besser, Cat. Jard. Bot. Krzemieniec, Suppl. 4: 20. 1815 [non Rosa microcarpa Retz. 1803]
  • =Rosa melanocarpa Link, Enum. Hort. Berol. Alt. 2: 57. 1822
  • =Rosa poteriifolia Besser, Enum. Pl. Volhyn.: 62. 1822
  • =Rosa besseri Tratt., Rosac. Monogr. 2: 128. 1823
  • =Rosa borealis Tratt., Rosac. Monogr. 2: 141. 1823
  • =Rosa sibirica Tratt., Rosac. Monogr. 2: 230. 1823
  • =Rosa gentilis Sternb. in Flora 9(Beil.): 79. 1826
  • =Rosa mitissima C. C. Gmel., Fl. Bad. 4: 358. 1826
  • =Rosa rupincola Sweet, Hort. Brit., ed. 2: 180. 1830
  • =Rosa granatensis Willk. in Linnaea (Berlin) 25: 24. 1852
  • =Rosa consimilis Déségl. in Mém. Soc. Acad. Maine Loire 10: 90. 1861
  • =Rosa ripartii Déségl. in Mém. Soc. Acad. Maine Loire 10: 87. 1861
  • =Rosa spreta Déségl. in Mém. Soc. Acad. Maine Loire 10: 89. 1861
  • =Rosa elasmacantha Trautv., Ind. Sem. Horti Petrop. 1868 Suppl.: 25. 1869
  • =Rosa mathonnetii Crép. in Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 8: 263. 1869
  • =Rosa spinosissima subsp. pimpinellifolia (L.) Hook. f., Student. Fl. Brit. Isl.: 120. 1870
  • =Rosa macropoda Déségl. in Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belgique 15: 265. 1876
  • =Rosa pimpinellifolia subsp. gentilis (Sternb.) Nyman, Consp. Fl. Eur. 1: 237. 1878
  • =Rosa pimpinellifolia subsp. rubella (Sm.) Nyman, Consp. Fl. Eur. 1: 237. 1878
  • =Rosa javalambrensis Pau, Not. Bot. Fl. Españ. 1: 25. 1887
  • =Rosa humensis Conrath in Österr. Bot. Z. 38: 52. 1888
  • =Rosa agustiana Sennen in Bol. Soc. Ibér. Ci. Nat. 27: 30. 1928
  • =Rosa taeckholmii Hurst in Z. Indukt. Abstammungs-Vererbungsl. 1927(Suppl. 2): 890. 1928
  • =Rosa spinosissima subsp. myriacantha (DC.) C. Vicioso in Bol. Inst. Forest. Invest. Exp. 40: 95. 1948
  • =Rosa hracziana Tamamsch. in Bot. Mater. Gerb. Bot. Inst. Komarova Akad. Nauk SSSR 11: 92. 1949
  • =Rosa tschatyrdagii Chrshan. in Bot. Mater. Gerb. Bot. Inst. Komarova Akad. Nauk SSSR 15: 118. 1953
  • =Rosa pimpinellifolia subsp. myriacantha (DC.) O. Bolòs & Vigo in Butl. Inst. Catalana Hist. Nat., Secc. Bot. 38: 67. 1974
  • Rosa virginiana Herrm., De Rosa: 19. 1762, nom. rej. [is earlier homonym of Rosa virginiana Mill. 1768]
  • "Rosa arvensis" auct.
  • "Rosa cinnamomea" auct.


Ab Al Ar Au(A) BH Be(B L) Br Bu Cg Cm Cs Ct Da Ga(C F) Ge Gg Gr Hb(E N) He Ho Hs(A S) Hu Is It Mk Mo No -Po Rf(C CS E S) Rm -Sa -Si(S) Sk Sl Sr dSu Tu(A) Uk [By Es cFe Lt Rf(K N NW)] 

Euro+Med not endemicA,B,C,D,E: Albania nativeF,G,H,I; Armenia nativeJ; Austria, with Liechtenstein nativeH (Austria nativeK); Azerbaijan nativeL; Belarus introducedM; Belgium, with Luxembourg nativeH (Belgium nativeM, Luxembourg nativeM); Bosnia-Herzegovina nativeM; Bulgaria nativeN,O,P; Crimea nativeQ,R; Croatia nativeS; Czech Republic nativeT,U; Denmark nativeH,V; Estonia introducedM; Finland cultivatedW; France, with Channel is. and Monaco nativeH,X (Channel islands nativeM, France nativeM); Georgia nativeY; Germany nativeZ,AA,AB,AC; Great Britain nativeH; Greece nativeE,H; Hungary nativeAB,AD,AE; Iceland nativeH,AF; Ireland, with N Ireland nativeH (Ireland nativeAG, Northern Ireland nativeM); Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativeD,H; Lithuania introducedM; Moldova nativeM; Montenegro nativeM,AH; Netherlands nativeH,AI,AJ; North Macedonia nativeAK; Norway nativeH,AL; Poland native: reported in errorM; Romania nativeH; Russia (C European Russia nativeM, E European Russia nativeM, Kaliningrad region introducedM, N European Russia introducedM, NW European Russia introducedM, North Caucasus nativeM, S European Russia nativeM); Sardinia native: reported in errorM; Serbia, with Kosovo nativeM; Sicily, with Malta (Sicily native: reported in errorM); Slovakia nativeT,AM,AN; Slovenia nativeAO; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra nativeH (Andorra nativeAP, Spain nativeAQ,AR,AS); Sweden native: doubtfully nativeM; Switzerland nativeAB,AT,AU; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part nativeB,AV); Ukraine nativeM; Ukraine, with Crimea nativeQ,AW

Common Names

Basque (Spain): arrosatze arantzanitzaAX; Catalan; Valencian (Spain): collarets (fruto)AX, coralletsAX, coralsAX, corals (fruto)AX, gaburrollsAX, garrabaAX, garraus (fruto)AX, garrava (fruto)AX, garraveraAX, garravot (fruto)AX, garravrons (fruto)AX, gavarreraAX, gaverneraAX, gavernesAX, pometes (fruto)AX, roser bordAX, roser espinosíssimAX; Finnish (Finland): pimpinellaruusuAY; Greek, Modern (1453-) (Greece): Ροδή η πιμπινελόφυλλοςAZ; Majorcan (Mallorca): rosa blancaAX; Portuguese (Portugal): roseiraAX; Spanish; Castilian (Spain): abrojoAX, agavanzoAX, escalambrojoAX, rosaAX, rosa espinosaAX, rosa pimpinelaAX, rosal espinosísimoAX, rosal silvestreAX, zaparrizaAX; Swedish (Sweden & Finland): pimpinellrosAY; Valencian (Spain): gaburrolsAX, roser bortAX


A. Burdet, H. M. 1993: Compléments au prodrome de la flore corse. Annexe 3 [Gamisans, J. & Jeanmonod, D.]. – Genève (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)
B. Davis, P. H. 1972: Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands 4 (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)
C. Gamisans, J. 1985: Catalogue des plantes vasculaires de la Corse. – Ajaccio (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)
D. Pignatti, S. 1982: Flora d'Italia 1 (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)
E. Strid, P. A. K. 1986: Mountain Flora of Greece 1. – Cambridge & Edinburgh (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)
F. Barina, Z. 2017: Distribution atlas of vascular plants in Albania. – Budapest: Hungarian Natural History Museum
G. Demiri, M. 1983: Flora ekskursioniste e shqipërisë. – Tiranë: Shtëpia Botuese e Librit Shkollor (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)
H. Tutin, T. G., Heywood, V. H., Burges, N. A., Valentine, D. H., Walters, S. M. & Webb, D. A. 1964–1980: Flora europaea 1-5. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)
I. Vangjeli, J. 2017: Flora Albanica. Atlas 1. – Schmitten-Obereifenberg: Koeltz (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)
J. Takhtajan, A. L. 1958: Flora Armenii 3. – Erevan: Armenian Academy of Sciences (as Rosa tschatyrdagii Chrshan.)
K. Adler, W., Oswald, K. & Fischer, R. 1994: Exkursionsflora von Österreich. – Stuttgart & Wien (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)
L. Grossheim, A. A. 1952: Flora Kavkaza, ed. 2, 5. – Moskva-Leningrad
M. Kurtto, A. & al. (ed.) 2004: Atlas Florae Europaeae 13. – Helsinki
N. Andreev, N. , Ančev, M. , Kožuharov, S. I. , Markova, M. , Peev, D. & Petrova, A. 1992: Opredelitel na visšite rastenija v Bălgarija. – Sofija: Nauka i izkustvo (as Rosa myriacantha DC.)
O. Jordanov, D. 1973: Flora na Narodna Republika Bălgarija 5. – Sofija (as Rosa myriacantha DC.)
P. Tutin, T. G., Heywood, V. H., Burges, N. A., Valentine, D. H., Walters, S. M. & Webb, D. A. 1964–1980: Flora europaea 1-5. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (as Rosa myriacantha DC.)
Q. Prokudin, J. N. 1987: Opredelitel’ vysših rastenij Ukrainy. – Kiev: Naukova Dumka (as Rosa tschatyrdagii Chrshan.)
R. Tutin, T. G., Heywood, V. H., Burges, N. A., Valentine, D. H., Walters, S. M. & Webb, D. A. 1964–1980: Flora europaea 1-5. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (as Rosa tschatyrdagii Chrshan.)
S. Nikolić, T. 1997: Flora Croatica, Index Florae Croaticae Pars 2. – Zagreb: Croatian Natural History Museum (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)
T. Dostál, J. 1989: Nová Kvetena CSSR 1 (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)
U. Slavík & Štěpánková, J. 1995: Květena České republiky 4 (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)
V. Hansen, K. 1993: Dansk feltflora. – København (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)
W. Hämet-Ahti, L., Suominen, J., Ulvinen, T. & Uotila, P. 1998: Retkeilykasvio, ed. 4. – Helsinki (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)
X. Guinochet, M. & Vilmorin, R. de 1984: Flore de France 5 (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)
Y. Kec'xoveli, N. 1980: Flora Gruzii, ed. 2, 6. – Tbilisi: Metzniereba (as Rosa tschatyrdagii Chrshan.)
Z. Rothmaler, W. H. P. 1994: Exkursionsflora von Deutschland, 4. Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band, ed. 8. – Jena, Stuttgart
AA. Rothmaler, W. H. P. 2000: Exkursionsflora von Deutschland. Gefäßpflanzen: Atlasband 10, ed. 10, 3
AB. Tutin, T. G., Heywood, V. H., Burges, N. A., Valentine, D. H., Walters, S. M. & Webb, D. A. 1964–1980: Flora europaea 1-5. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
AC. Wisskirchen, R. & Haeupler, H. 1998: Standardliste der Farn- und Blütenpflanzen Deutschlands. – Stuttgart
AD. Horváth, F., Dobolyi, Z. K., Morschhauser, T, Lőkös, L., Karas, L. & Szerdahelyi, T. 1995: Flóra adatbázis 1.2. Taxon-lista és attribútum allomány. – Vácrátót
AE. Simon, T. 1992: A magyarországi edényes flóra határozója. Harasztok - virágos növények. – Budapest
AF. Löve, Á. 1983: Flora of Iceland. – Reykjavik (as Rosa taeckholmii Hurst)
AG. Webb, D. A., Parnell, J. & Doogue, D. 1996: An Irish Flora. – Dundalk (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)
AH. Rohlena, J. 1942: Conspectus florae montenegrinae. – Preslia. Věstník (Časopis) československé botanické společnosti 20-21: 1-506
AI. Duistermaat, H., Sparrius, L. B. & Denters, T. 2021: Standaardlijst van de Nederlandse flora 2020. – Gorteria; mededelingenblad ten dienste van de floristiek en het vegetatie-onderzoek van Nederland 43: 109-156
AJ. Meijden, R. van der 1990: Heukels' Flora van Nederland, ed. 21. – Groningen (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)
AK. Micevski, K. 1998: Flora of Republic of Macedonia 1(4). – Skopje: Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts (as Rosa myriacantha DC.)
AL. Lid, D. T. 1994: Norsk Flora, ed. 6. – Oslo (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)
AM. Futák, J. 1992: Flóra Slovenska IV(3) (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)
AN. Marhold, K. & Hindák, F. 1998: Zoznam nižších a vyšších rastlín Slovenska. – Bratislava (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)
AO. Martinčič, A. 1999: Mala flora Slovenije, ed. 3. – Ljubljana (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)
AP. Carrillo, E., Mercadé, A., Ninot, J. M., Carreras, J., Ferré, A. & Font, X. 2008: Check-list i Llista vermella de la flora d’Andorra (as Rosa pimpinellifolia subsp. pimpinellifoilia L.)
AQ. Bolòs, O. de, Vigo Bonada, J., Masalles, R. M. & Ninot, J. M. 1990: Flora manual dels països catalans. – Barcelona (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)
AR. Bolòs, O. de, Vigo Bonada, J., Masalles, R. M. & Ninot, J. M. 1990: Flora manual dels països catalans. – Barcelona (as Rosa pimpinellifolia subsp. myriacantha (DC.) O. Bolòs & Vigo)
AS. Castroviejo, S. 1998: Flora Iberica. Plantas vasculares de la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares. 6 (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)
AT. Aeschimann, D. & Burdet, H. M. 1994: Flore de la Suisse, ed. 2. – Neuchâtel
AU. Hess, H. E. 1998: Bestimmungsschlüssel zur Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete, ed. 4. – Basel, Boston & Berlin
AV. Güner, A. 2012: Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi. – Istanbul
AW. Mosyakin, S. L. & Fedoronchuk, M. M. 1999: Vascular plants of Ukraine. A nomenclatural checklist. – Kiev: M. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (as Rosa tschatyrdagii Chrshan.)
AX. anonymous 2010: Anthos. Information System of the plants of Spain. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC - Fundación Biodiversidad – (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)
AY. Kurtto, A., Lampinen, R., Piirainen, M. & Uotila, P. 2019: Checklist of the vascular plants of Finland. Suomen putkilokasvien luettelo. – Helsinki: Finnish Museum of Natural History LUOMUS
AZ. Kabbadas, D. S. 1957–1964: Eikonographemenon botanikon-phytologikon lexikon. – Athenai (as Rosa pimpinellifolia L.)