Populus balsamifera

Populus balsamifera


Source: Uotila, P. (2011+): Salicaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Populus balsamifera L., Sp. Pl.: 1034. 1753
    • =Populus tacamahaca Mill., Gard. Dict., ed. 8: Populus no. 6. 1768
    • =Populus candicans Aiton, Hort. Kew. 3: 406. 1789
    • =Populus longifolia Fisch. in Bull. Sci. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg 9: 345. 1841
    • =Populus tristis Fisch. in Bull. Sci. Acad. Imp. Sci. Saint-Pétersbourg 9: 344. 1841


    [aAu(A) nBe(B) cBr cCs cDa nEs aFe cGa(C) cGe cHb cHe Ho cHu nIt aLa Lt aNo nPo cRf(N NW) cSk Su UC] 

    Euro+Med not endemicA,B: Austria, with Liechtenstein (Austria casualC); Belgium, with Luxembourg (Belgium naturalisedD); Czech Republic cultivatedE; Denmark cultivatedF,G; Estonia naturalisedH; Finland casualF; France, with Channel is. and Monaco (Channel islands cultivatedI); Germany cultivatedG,J; Great Britain cultivatedG,I; Hungary cultivatedK; Ireland, with N Ireland cultivatedI; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City naturalisedL; Latvia casualM; Lithuania introducedN; Netherlands introducedO; Norway casualF,P,Q; Poland naturalisedR; Russia cultivatedA (N European Russia cultivatedS, NW European Russia cultivatedS); Slovakia cultivatedT; Sweden introducedF,U,V; Switzerland cultivatedG; Ukraine, with Crimea introducedW

    Common Names

    Finnish (Finland): palsamipoppeliX; Swedish (Sweden & Finland): balsampoppelX


    A. 2001: Flora of Russia 5
    B. 2010: Flora of North America 7
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    L. Galasso, G. & al. 2018: An updated checklist of the vascular flora alien to Italy. – Pl. Biosystems 152: 556-592. https://doi.org/10.1080/11263504.2018.1441197
    M. Gavrilova, Ģ. & Šulcs, V. 1999: Latvijas vaskularo augu flora
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    R. Mirek, Z. & al. 2002: Flowering plants and pteridophytes of Poland. A checklist
    S. 2001: Flora of Russia 5 (as Populus longifolia Fisch.)
    T. Goliašová, K. & Michalcová, E. 2006: Flóra slovenska 5(3) (as Populus candicans Aiton)
    U. Karlsson, T. 1998: Förteckning över svenska kärlväxter. – Svensk botanisk tidskrift utgifven af svenska botaniska föreningen 91(5): 241-560
    V. Krok, T. O. B. N. & Almquist, S. O. I. 1994: Svensk Flora: Fanerogamer och ormbunksvaxter 27, ed. 27. – Stockholm
    W. Mosyakin, S. L. & Fedoronchuk, M. M. 1999: Vascular plants of Ukraine. A nomenclatural checklist. – Kiev: M. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
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