Umbilicus neglectus

Umbilicus neglectus


Source: Marhold, K. (2011+): Crassulaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Umbilicus neglectus (Cout.) Rothm. & P. Silva in Agron. Lusit. 2: 88. 1940
  • Cotyledon neglecta Cout., Fl. Portugal, ed. 2: 336. 1939


Bl Hs Lu 

Euro+Med endemicA: Baleares nativeA,B; Portugal nativeA,B; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra nativeA,B


A. Greuter, W., Burdet, H. M. & Long, G. 1986: Med-Checklist 3. – Genève & Berlin
B. Tutin, T. G., Heywood, V. H., Burges, N. A., Valentine, D. H., Walters, S. M. & Webb, D. A. 1964–1980: Flora europaea 1-5. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press