Knautia integrifolia

Knautia integrifolia


Source: Domina, G. (2017+): Dipsacaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Knautia integrifolia (L.) Bertol., Fl. Ital. 2: 32. 1835
  • Scabiosa integrifolia L., Sp. Pl.: 99. 1753
  • =Scabiosa hybrida All., Auct. Fl. Pedem.: 9. 1789
  • =Knautia hybrida (All.) Coult., Mém. Dipsac.: 30. 1823
  • =Knautia urvillei Coult., Mém. Dipsac.: 29. 1823
  • =Knautia granatensis Pau
  • =Trichera bidens (Sibth. & Sm.) Nyman
  • =Trichera hybrida (All.) Roem. & Schult.


AE Al Bl(?M) Bu Cg Co Cr Ct Ga(F) Gr Hs(S) Ir It Jo Sa Si(S) Sl Sr Sy ?Tn Tu(A E) 

Euro+Med endemicA,B: Albania nativenativeC,D,E,F,G; Baleares nativenativeF (Mallorca native: presence questionableA,H); Bulgaria nativenativeE,F,I,J; Corsica nativenativeB,F,K; Crete, with Karpathos nativenativeF; Croatia nativenativeL,M,N,O; East Aegean islands nativeE; Former Yugoslavia nativenativeF; France, with Channel is. and Monaco (France nativenativeE,F,P,Q); Greece nativenativeE,F,R; Israel/Palestine nativenativeS,T,U; Israel/Palestine-Jordan nativenativeE; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativenativeF,O,V; Jordan nativenativeU,W,X; Montenegro nativeY; Sardinia nativeF,V; Serbia, with Kosovo nativenativeZ; Sicily, with Malta nativeF (Sicily nativenativeE,V); Slovenia nativenativeO,AA; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra nativenativeF (Spain nativeA); Syria nativeU; Tunisia native: presence questionableAB,AC; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part nativeE, Turkey-in-Europe nativeF)

Common Names

Catalan; Valencian (Spain): escabiosaAD, viuda bordaAD


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