Hydrocotyle vulgaris

Hydrocotyle vulgaris


Source: Hand, R. (2011+): Apiaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Hydrocotyle vulgaris L., Sp. Pl.: 234. 1753 wfo-0000726631


    Ab(A) Ag Al Au(A) Az(F J L M P T) Be(B †L) Br By Cg Co Cr Cs Ct Da Es Ga(F) Ge Gg Gr Hb(E N) He Ho Hs(S) Hu Ir Is It Jo La Lt Lu Ma No Po Sa Si(†S) Sk Su Tu(A) Uk 

    Euro+Med endemicA,B,C,D,E,F: Albania nativeG,H,I,J,K,L; Algeria nativeM; Austria, with Liechtenstein nativeI (Austria nativeN); Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan (core) nativeO); Azores nativeI,P,Q (Faial nativeR,S, Flores nativeR,S, Pico nativeR,S, São Jorge nativeR,S, São Miguel nativeR,S, Terceira nativeR,S); Belarus nativeT; Belgium, with Luxembourg nativeI,U (Belgium nativeU,V, Luxembourg native: formerly nativeW); Corsica nativeA,B,I,X,Y,Z,AA; Crete, with Karpathos nativeAB,AC; Croatia nativeAD,AE,AF; Czech Republic nativeAG; Denmark nativeI,AH; Estonia nativeAI; Former Yugoslavia nativeI; France, with Channel is. and Monaco (France nativeI,U,AA,AJ); Georgia nativeAK,AL; Germany nativeI,AM,AN; Great Britain nativeI,AO; Greece nativeI,AB; Hungary nativeI; Iceland nativeAH; Ireland, with N Ireland nativeI (Ireland nativeAO,AP, Northern Ireland nativeAO); Israel/Palestine nativeE,AQ,AR,AS,AT; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativeD,I,AU; Jordan nativeE; Latvia nativeAI; Lithuania nativeAI; Montenegro nativeAV; Morocco nativeC,AW; Netherlands nativeI,U,AX; Norway nativeI,AH,AY; Poland nativeI; Portugal nativeI,Q,AZ; Sardinia nativeAU,BA; Sicily, with Malta nativeI (Sicily native: formerly nativeAU,BB); Slovakia nativeBC; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra nativeI (Spain nativeF,AZ,BD); Sweden nativeI,AH; Switzerland nativeI; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part nativeBE); Ukraine nativeT,BF,BG; Ukraine, with Crimea nativeBF,BG

    Common Names

    Catalan; Valencian (Spain): hidrocòtile vulgarBH; Galician (Spain): sombreiriño de augaBH; Portuguese (Portugal): trevãoBH; Spanish; Castilian (Spain): cotiledónBH, hidrocótilaBH, ombligo de Venus que nace en el aguaBH, picante de ranasBH, soldanela acuáticaBH, sombreret d´ayguaBH, sombrerillo de aguaBH, sombrero de aguaBH


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