Cerastium glomeratum

Cerastium glomeratum


Source: Marhold, K. (2011+): Caryophyllaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Cerastium glomeratum Thuill., Fl. Env. Paris: 226. 1799 wfo-0000595603
    • =Cerastium vulgatum L., Fl. Suec. , ed. 2: 158. 1755, nom. illeg. wfo-0000596296
    • =Cerastium brachycarpum Stapf in Denkschr. Kaiserl. Akad. Wiss., Wien. Math.-Naturwiss. Kl. 51: 355. 1886 wfo-0000595297
    • =Cerastium viscosioides P. Candargy in Bull. Soc. Bot. France 44: 156. 1897 wfo-0000596285
    • "Cerastium aggregatum" auct.
    • "Cerastium viscosum" auct.


    AE(G) Ab(A) Ag Al Ar Au(A) Az Be Bl(I M N) Br Bu dCa(C F G H L P T) Cm Co Cr Cs Ct Cy Da ?Eg Es Fa Ga(F) Ge Gg Gr Hb(E) He Ho Hs(A S) Hu Ir Is It Jo Li Lt Lu Ma Md(D M P) Mk No Po Rf(CS) Rm Sa Si(M S) Sk Sl Sn Sr Su Sy Tn Tu(A E) Uk [Az(C F G J L M P S T) nFe] 

    Euro+Med endemicA,B,C,D,E,F,G: Albania nativeH,I,J; Algeria nativeH; Armenia nativeK,L; Austria, with Liechtenstein nativeI (Austria nativeM); Azerbaijan nativeL,N (Azerbaijan (core) nativeN); Azores nativeI,O (Corvo introducedO,P, Faial introducedO,P, Flores introducedO,P, Graciosa introducedO,P, Pico introducedO,P, Santa Maria introducedO,P, São Jorge introducedO,P, São Miguel introducedO,P, Terceira introducedO,P); Baleares nativeH,I (Ibiza nativeQ,R,S, Mallorca nativeQ,R,S, Menorca nativeQ,R,S); Belgium, with Luxembourg nativeI; Bulgaria nativeH,I,T; Canary islands (Fuerteventura native: doubtfully nativeO,U, Gomera native: doubtfully nativeO,U, Gran Canaria native: doubtfully nativeO,U, Hierro native: doubtfully nativeO,U, La Palma native: doubtfully nativeO,U, Lanzarote native: doubtfully nativeU, Tenerife native: doubtfully nativeO,U); Corsica nativeB,H,I; Crete, with Karpathos nativeE,F,H,I; Crimea nativeH,I; Croatia nativeV,W; Cyprus nativeG,H; Czech Republic nativeX; Denmark nativeI,Y,Z; East Aegean islands nativeH (Greek East Aegean islands nativeE,F); Egypt native: presence questionableH; Estonia nativeAA; Faroe islands nativeI; Finland naturalisedZ; Former Yugoslavia nativeH,I; France, with Channel is. and Monaco (France nativeH,I); Georgia nativeL; Germany nativeI,AB,AC,AD,AE,AF; Great Britain nativeI; Greece nativeE,F,H,I; Hungary nativeI,AG; Iceland nativeI; Ireland, with N Ireland nativeI (Ireland nativeAH); Israel/Palestine nativeAI,AJ; Israel/Palestine-Jordan nativeH,AK; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativeD,H,I; Jordan nativeAJ,AL; Lebanon-Syria nativeH; Libya nativeH; Lithuania nativeAA; Madeira archipelago (Desertas nativeO,AM, Madeira island nativeO,AM, Porto Santo nativeO,AM); Morocco nativeH,AN; Netherlands nativeI,AO; North Macedonia nativeAP; Norway nativeI,AQ; Poland nativeI,AR; Portugal nativeH,I,R; Romania nativeI,AS; Russia (North Caucasus nativeL); Sardinia nativeD,H,I; Serbia, with Kosovo nativeAT; Sicily, with Malta nativeI (Malta nativeC,H, Sicily nativeD,H); Sinai nativeA,H; Slovakia nativeAU; Slovenia nativeAV; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra nativeH,I (Andorra nativeR,AW, Spain nativeQ,R); Sweden nativeI,Z,AX,AY; Switzerland nativeI,AZ,BA; Syria nativeAJ; Tunisia nativeH; Turkey nativeBB (Turkey, Asiatic part nativeH, Turkey-in-Europe nativeH,I); Ukraine nativeBC; Ukraine, with Crimea nativeBC

    Common Names

    Albanian (Albania): Cerasti lëmshorBD; Azerbaijani (Azerbaijan): Топачичəк дəли ҹинҹилимN; Basque (Spain): sagu biarriyaBE, sagu-biarraBE; Bulgarian (Bulgaria): Кълбоцветен рожецT; Catalan; Valencian (Spain): cerasti aglomeratBE; Croatian (Croatia): klupčasti rožacBF; Czech (Czech Republic): rožec klubkatýBG; Danish (Denmark): Opret HønsetarmZ; Dutch; Flemish (Netherlands): KluwenhoornbloemBH; English (Great Britain): Sticky Mouse-earBI; Estonian (Estonia): kera-kadakkaerAA; Faroese (Faroer): tættblømt høsnagrasZ; Finnish (Finland): sykeröhärkkiZ,BJ; French (France): Céraiste aggloméréBK; French (Switzerland): Cériaste aggloméréBL; Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic (Ireland): Cluas luchóinge ghreamaitheachBM; German (Germany): Knäuel-HornkrautAD; German (Switzerland): Knäuelblütiges HornkrautBN; Greek, Modern (1453-) (Greece): Κεράστιον το συμπαγέςBO; Hebrew (Israel): קַרְנוּנִית דְּבִיקָהBP; Hungarian (Hungary): Gomolyos madárhúrBQ; Icelandic (Iceland): HnoðafræhyrnaBR, hnoðafræhyrnaZ; Italian (Switzerland): Peverina dei campiBS; Lithuanian (Lithuania): glaustažiedė glažutėAA; Norwegian (Norway): veiarveZ; Polish (Poland): Rogownica skupionaBT; Russian (Russia): ясколка скученноцветковаяAA; Sardinian (Sardegna): Erba de puddasBU; Slovak (Slovakia): rožec klbkatýAU; Slovenian (Slovenia): Klobčasta smiljkaAV; Spanish; Castilian (Spain): moruquillaBE, oreja de ratónBE, pamplinillasBE; Swedish (Sweden & Finland): knipparvBJ; Swedish (Sweden): knipparvZ; Welsh (Wales): Clust Llygoden CulddailBV


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