Angelica archangelica subsp. archangelica

Angelica archangelica subsp. archangelica


Source: Hand, R. (2011+): Apiaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Angelica archangelica L. subsp. archangelica
    • =Angelica norvegica Rupr., Fl. Samojed. Cisural.: 37. 1845


    By Cs Ct Da Es Fa Fe Ge Ho Is La Lt No Rf(C CS E N NW) Sk Su Uk [Au(A) Be(nB) nBr Bu nGa(F) He Hu aIt Rm] 

    Euro+Med endemicA: Austria, with Liechtenstein introducedB (Austria introducedC); Belarus nativeD; Belgium, with Luxembourg introducedB (Belgium naturalisedE); Bulgaria introducedB; Croatia nativeF,G; Czech Republic nativeH,I; Denmark nativeB,J; Estonia nativeK; Faroe islands nativeB,J; Finland nativeB,J; Former Yugoslavia introducedB; France, with Channel is. and Monaco (France naturalisedL,M); Germany nativeB,N,O,P; Great Britain naturalisedQ; Hungary introducedB; Iceland nativeB,J; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City casualR; Latvia nativeK; Lithuania nativeK; Netherlands nativeB; Norway nativeB,J; Romania introducedB; Russia (C European Russia nativeD, E European Russia nativeD, N European Russia nativeD, NW European Russia nativeD, North Caucasus nativeS); Slovakia nativeT,U,V,W; Sweden nativeB,J; Switzerland introducedB; Ukraine nativeD

    Common Names

    Finnish (Finland): pohjanväinönputkiX; Swedish (Sweden & Finland): fjällkvanneX


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    D. Tzvelev, N. N. 2004: Flora vostočnoj Evropy 11. – Sankt-Peterburg (as Archangelica officinalis Hoffm.)
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    S. Komarov, V. L. (ed. Schischkin, K. & Bobrov, E.) 1951: Flora URSS 17. – Leningrad (as Archangelica officinalis Hoffm.)
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    U. Dostál, J. 1992: Vel’ký kl’úc na určovanie vyšších rastlín 2. – Bratislava (as Archangelica officinalis Hoffm. subsp. officinalis)
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    W. Marhold, K. & Hindák, F. 1998: Zoznam nižších a vyšších rastlín Slovenska. – Bratislava (as Archangelica officinalis Hoffm. subsp. officinalis)
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