Cercis siliquastrum

Cercis siliquastrum


Source: 2010: ILDIS World Database of Legumes 2010. (copyright © ILDIS)
Cercis siliquastrum L., Sp. Pl.: 374. 1753 wfo-0000213642


    AE(G) Al Bu Cr Ga(F) Gr Ir It Jo Ju Le Si(S) Sy Tu(A E) [Ab(A) Ar Bl Cm Co Gg Hs(S) Lu Mo Rf(CS) Si(M) Uk] 

    Euro+Med not endemic: Albania nativeA; Armenia introducedB; Azerbaijan introduced (Azerbaijan (core) introducedC); Baleares introducedD; Bulgaria nativeA; Corsica introducedD; Crete, with Karpathos nativeA; Crimea introducedE,F; East Aegean islands (Greek East Aegean islands nativeD); Former Yugoslavia nativeA; France, with Channel is. and Monaco (France nativeA); Georgia introducedB; Greece nativeA; Israel/Palestine nativeG; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativeA; Jordan nativeG; Lebanon nativeG; Moldova introducedH,I; Portugal introducedA; Russia (North Caucasus introducedJ,K); Sicily, with Malta (Malta introducedD, Sicily nativeD); Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra (Spain introducedA); Syria nativeG; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part nativeD, Turkey-in-Europe nativeA); Ukraine introducedL,M,N,O,P,Q; Ukraine, with Crimea introduced

    Common Names

    Aragonese (Spain): árbol del amorR; Asturian; Bable; Leonese; Asturleonese (Spain): l´árbol del amorR; Basque (Spain): Judasen arbolaR; Catalan; Valencian (Spain): arbre de JudasR, arbre de JudeaR, arbre de JudesR, arbre de l'amorR, arbre de l´amorR, arbre del amorR, garrofer bordR, garrofer bortR; English: Judas TreeS; French: Arbre de JudeeT; Majorcan (Mallorca): abre d´amorR, arbre de JudesR, arbre de l'amorR; Portuguese (Portugal): olaiaR, olayaR, siliquastreR, siliquastroR, árvore-da-JudeiaR; Russian (Russia Central): Bagryannik RozhkovyiU, Iudino DerevoV, Tzertzis EvropeiskiV, Tzertzis RozhkovyiF; Spanish; Castilian (Spain): algarroboR, algarrobo locoR, amorR, arjoránR, ciclamorR, ditR, dit de los moros granadinosR, enrabiacabrasR, granadilloR, pan y vinoR, sicamorR, siclamorR, árbol de JudasR, árbol de JudeaR, árbol del amorR, árbol del amor silvestreR; unknown: Arbol De JudeaW, NandumbusW


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