Setaria viridis

Setaria viridis


Source: Valdés, B. & Scholz, H.; with contributions from Raab-Straube, E. von & Parolly, G. (2009+): Poaceae (pro parte majore). Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Setaria viridis (L.) P. Beauv., Ess. Agrostogr.: 51. 1812 wfo-0000899679
  • Panicum viride L., Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 2: 870. 1759 wfo-0000886881
  • Setaria italica subsp. viridis (L.) Thell. in Mém. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg 38: 85. 1912 wfo-0000899289
  • Setariopsis viridis (L.) Samp., Herb. Port., Appendice 2: 4. 1914 wfo-0000899729
  • =Setaria weinmannii Roem. & Schult., Syst. Veg., ed. 15. 2: 490. 1817


AE(G) Ab(A N) Ag Al Ar Au(A) BH Be(B L) Bl(M) Bu Ca(C T) Cg Cm Co Cr Cs Ct Cy Da Eg Es Ga(F) Ge Gg Gr He Ho Hs(A) Hu Ir It Jo Ko Le Li Lu Ma Md(M) Mo Po Rf(CS) Rm Sa Se Si(S) Sl Sn Su Sy Tu(A E) Uk [By Fe dNo Rf(C E N NW) Sk Tn] 

Euro+Med not endemicA,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I: Albania nativenativeJ,K,L; Algeria nativenativeM,N; Armenia nativeO; Austria, with Liechtenstein nativenativeL (Austria nativenativeP,Q); Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan (core) nativenativeO,R, Nakhchivan nativeO); Baleares (Mallorca nativenativeS); Belarus introducedintroducedT; Belgium, with Luxembourg nativenativeL (Belgium nativeU, Luxembourg nativeV); Bosnia-Herzegovina nativeW; Bulgaria nativenativeL,X; Canary islands (Gran Canaria nativenativeY, Tenerife nativenativeY); Caucasia (Ab + Ar + Gg + Rf(CS)) native; Corsica nativenativeA,B,E,L; Crete, with Karpathos nativenativeL; Crimea nativenativeL; Croatia nativenativeZ,AA; Cyprus nativenativeF; Czech Republic nativenativeQ,AB,AC; Denmark nativenativeL,AD,AE; East Aegean islands (Greek East Aegean islands nativenativeC); Egypt nativenativeI; Estonia nativenativeAF; Finland introducedintroducedL,AE,AG; Former Yugoslavia nativenativeL; France, with Channel is. and Monaco nativenativeL,AH (France nativeAI); Georgia nativeO,AJ; Germany nativenativeL,Q,AK,AL,AM; Greece nativenativeL; Hungary nativenativeL,AN,AO; Israel/Palestine nativeAP; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativenativeG,L; Jordan nativeAQ; Kosovo nativeAR; Lebanon nativenativeH; Libya nativenativeD,M; Madeira archipelago (Madeira island nativenativeY); Moldova nativenativeAS; Montenegro nativeAT; Morocco nativenativeM,AU; Netherlands nativenativeL,AV,AW; Norway introduced: doubtfully introduced (perhaps cultivated only)introduced: doubtfully introduced (perhaps cultivated only)L,AE; Poland nativenativeL,Q,AX; Portugal nativenativeL,AY; Romania nativenativeL,AZ; Russia (C European Russia introducedintroducedT, E European Russia introducedintroducedT, N European Russia introduced, NW European Russia introducedintroducedT, North Caucasus nativeO); Sardinia nativenativeG,L; Serbia nativeAR; Serbia, with Kosovo nativeAR; Sicily, with Malta nativenativeL (Sicily nativenativeG); Sinai nativenativeI; Slovakia introducedintroducedAB,AC,BA; Slovenia nativenativeBB; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra nativenativeL,BC,BD (Andorra nativeBE); Sweden nativenativeL,AE,BF,BG; Switzerland nativenativeL,Q,BH,BI; Syria native; Tunisia introducedintroducedM; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part nativenativeC,BJ, Turkey-in-Europe nativenativeL,BJ); Ukraine nativenativeT

Common Names

Estonian (Estonia): Roheline kukeleibBK; Finnish (Finland): viherpantaheinäBL; German (Turkey): BorstenhirseBM, FennichBM; Hebrew (Israel): זִיפָן יָרֹקBN; Latvian (Latvia): zaļā sareneBK; Lithuanian (Lithuania): žalioji šerytėBK; Swedish (Sweden & Finland): kavelhirsBL; Turkish (Turkey): Kirpi dariBM, Kuş kapanBM, Yapişkan otuBM


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