Scabiosa taygetea subsp. garganica

Scabiosa taygetea subsp. garganica


Source: Domina, G. (2017+): Dipsacaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Scabiosa taygetea subsp. garganica (Wettst.) Hayek, Prodr. Fl. Penins. Balcan. 2: 515. 1930
  • Scabiosa garganica Wettst. in Biblioth. Bot. 26: 67. 1892
  • Scabiosa vestita subsp. garganica (Wettst.) Zangh., Fl. Ital. 1: 655. 1976


Gr It 

Euro+Med endemicA: Greece nativeB; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativeA


A. Conti, F., Abbate, G., Alessandrini, A. & Blasi, C. 2005: An annotated checklist of the Italian vascular flora. – Roma: Fratelli Palombi
B. Tan, K. & Iatroú, G. 2001: Endemic plants of Greece. The Peloponnese. – Copenaghen: Gads Forlag