Ficus microcarpa

Ficus microcarpa


Source: Uotila, P. (2011+): Moraceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Ficus microcarpa L. f., Suppl. Pl.: 442. 1782 wfo-0000689298


    [nAg Ca(nC aT) aIt aSa Si(aM nS)] 

    Euro+Med not endemicA,B: Algeria naturalisedC; Canary islands (Gran Canaria naturalisedD, Tenerife casualD); Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City casualE; Sardinia casualE; Sicily, with Malta (Malta casualF, Sicily naturalisedB,E)


    A. Berg, C. C. 1991: Flora Zambesiaca 9(6)
    B. Giardina, G. & al. 2007: A catalogue of plants growing in Sicily. – Bocconea 20: 5-582
    C. Sakhraoui, N., Verloove, F. & Hadef, A. 2022: First record of Ficus microcarpa L. f. (Moraceae) in Algeria. – Hacquetia.
    D. Verloove, F. & Reyes-Betancort, J. A. 2011: Additions to the flora of Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain). – Collectanea botanica; a barcionensi botanico instituto edita 30: 63-78
    E. Galasso, G. & al. 2018: An updated checklist of the vascular flora alien to Italy. – Pl. Biosystems 152: 556-592.
    F. 2009: Wild Plants of the Mediterranean Islands of Malta (