Sideritis romana

Sideritis romana


Source: 2010: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (2010), copyright © The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Sideritis romana L., Sp. Pl.: 575. 1753
  • Burgsdorfia romana (L.) Hoffmanns. & Link, Fl. Portug. 1: 97. 1809
  • Stachys romana (L.) E. H. L. Krause in Sturm, Deutschl. Fl., ed. 2, 11: 123. 1903
  • Hesiodia romana (L.) Samp. in Anais Fac. Sci. Porto 17: 50. 1931


AE(G) Ag Al Bl Co Cr Cy Ga Gr Hs IJ It Ju LS Li Lu Ma Sa Si Tn Tu(A E) 

Euro+Med: Albania nativenativeA; Algeria nativenativeA; Baleares nativenativeA; Corsica nativenativeA; Crete, with Karpathos native; Cyprus nativenativeA; East Aegean islands (Greek East Aegean islands nativenativeA); Former Yugoslavia nativenativeA; France, with Channel is. and Monaco nativenativeA; Greece nativenativeA; Israel/Palestine-Jordan nativenativeA; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativenativeA; Lebanon-Syria nativenativeA; Libya nativenativeA; Morocco nativenativeA; Portugal nativenativeA; Sardinia nativenativeA; Sicily, with Malta nativenativeA; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra nativenativeA; Tunisia nativenativeA; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part nativenativeA, Turkey-in-Europe nativenativeA)

Common Names

Catalan; Valencian (Spain): espinadellaB, espinadella petitaB; Majorcan (Mallorca): espinadellaB, espinadella petitaB, espindanella petitaB; Spanish; Castilian (Spain): te salvajeB, zahareña velludaB, zahareña velluda de flor blancaB; Valencian (Spain): espinadellaB, te salvatgeB


A. Kew World Checklist of Selected Plant Families
B. anonymous 2010: Anthos. Information System of the plants of Spain. Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC - Fundación Biodiversidad –