Inula hirta
Source: Greuter, W. (2006+): Compositae (pro parte majore). – In: Greuter, W. & Raab-Straube, E. von (ed.): Compositae. Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Inula hirta, Sp. Pl.: 883. 1753 wfo-0000072663
- ≡Jacobaea hirta, Fl. Galicia 2: 339. 1906 wfo-0000043515
- ≡Pentanema hirtum in Taxon 67: 159. 2018
Al Au(A) BH Bu By Cg -Cm Cs Ct Ga(F) Ge Gr He ?Hs(S) Hu It Mk Mo Po Rf(C CS E K S) Rm Sk Sl Sr Uk [aBe Rf(N)]
Euro+Med not endemic: Albania nativeA; Austria, with Liechtenstein nativeB (Austria nativeC); Belarus nativeD,E; Belgium, with Luxembourg casualF; Bosnia-Herzegovina nativeG,H,I; Bulgaria nativeB,I,J,K,L; Crimea native: reported in errorD,M; Croatia nativeI,N,O; Czech Republic nativeP,Q,R,S,T; Former Yugoslavia nativeB; France, with Channel is. and Monaco (France nativeB,U,V,W,X,Y,Z); Germany nativeB,AA,AB,AC; Greece nativeAD,AE; Hungary nativeB,AF,AG; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativeB,N,AH,AI,AJ,AK; Moldova nativeD,E,AL; Montenegro nativeAM; North Macedonia nativeI,AN,AO,AP,AQ,AR,AS,AT,AU,AV,AW; Poland nativeB,AX,AY; Romania nativeB,I,AZ,BA,BB; Russia (C European Russia nativeD,E, E European Russia nativeD,E, Kaliningrad region nativeBC, N European Russia introducedD,E, North Caucasus nativeE,H,BD,BE, S European Russia nativeD,E); Serbia, with Kosovo nativeI,BF; Slovakia nativeQ,R,BG; Slovenia nativeBH,BI,BJ; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra (Spain native: presence questionableBK); Switzerland nativeB,BL,BM; Ukraine nativeD,E,BN; Ukraine, with Crimea nativeBO
Common Names
Bulgarian (Bulgaria): Сърцевиднолистен оманJ; Croatian (Croatia): Hrapavodlakavi omanBP; Czech (Czech Republic): Oman srstnatýBQ; German (Germany): Rauhaariger AlantBR; Italian (Italy): Enula scabraAI; Polish (Poland): Oman szorstkiAY; Romanian (Moldova): Совырварицэ хирсутэAL; Slovak (Slovakia): Oman srstnatýBG; Slovenian (Slovenia): Srhkodlakavi omanBJ; Spanish; Castilian (Spain): pulguera peludaBS; Ukrainian (Ukraine): Оман шершавийBT
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