Bungea trifida

Bungea trifida


Source: Marhold, K. (2011+): Bungea. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Bungea trifida (Vahl) C. A. Mey., Verz. Pfl. Casp. Meer.: 108. 1831
  • Rhinanthus trifidus Vahl, Symb. Bot. 1: 44. 1790


Ar Sy Tu(A) 

Euro+Med not endemicA,B: Armenia nativeC; Syria nativeB; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part nativeA,D)


A. Davis, P. H. 1978: Flora of Turkey and East Aegean Islands 6
B. Post, G. E. 1933: Flora of Syria, Palestine, and Sinai, 2 [Dinsmore, J. E.], 2. – Beirut
C. Takhtajan, A. L. 1987: Flora of Armenia 8. – Erevan: Izdatel'stvo AN ASSR
D. Güner, A. 2012: Türkiye Bitkileri Listesi. – Istanbul