Galium divaricatum

Galium divaricatum


Source: Marhold, K. (2011+): Rubiaceae (pro parte majore). – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Galium divaricatum Lam. in Lamarck & Poiret, Encycl. 2: 580. 1788
  • Galium parisiense subsp. divaricatum (Lam.) Rouy & E. G. Camus


AE(G) Ag Al Az Bl(M N) Bu Cg Co Cr Ct Cy Ga(F) Gr Hs(S) Hu Ir It Jo Lu Ma Rm Sa Si(S) Sk Sl Sr Sy Tn Tu(A E) 

Euro+Med endemicA,B,C,D: Albania nativeE,F,G; Algeria nativeH; Azores nativeG; Baleares nativeG,I (Mallorca nativeJ, Menorca nativeJ); Bulgaria nativeG,K,L; Corsica nativeG; Crete, with Karpathos nativeG; Croatia nativeM,N; Cyprus nativeO; East Aegean islands (Greek East Aegean islands nativeA); Former Yugoslavia nativeG; France, with Channel is. and Monaco (France nativeG); Greece nativeC,G; Hungary nativeG,P,Q; Israel/Palestine nativeR,S,T; Israel/Palestine-Jordan nativeU; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativeB,G; Jordan nativeV; Montenegro nativeW; Morocco nativeX; Portugal nativeG,Y; Romania nativeG,Z; Sardinia nativeB,G; Serbia, with Kosovo nativeAA; Sicily, with Malta nativeG (Sicily nativeB); Slovakia nativeAB,AC,AD,AE; Slovenia nativeAF; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra nativeG (Spain nativeD,I); Syria nativeS,T; Tunisia nativeAG; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part nativeA, Turkey-in-Europe nativeG)

Common Names

Greek, Modern (1453-) (Greece): Γάλιον το διεστώςAH


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