Secale strictum

Secale strictum


Source: Valdés, B. & Scholz, H.; with contributions from Raab-Straube, E. von & Parolly, G. (2009+): Poaceae (pro parte majore). Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Secale strictum (C. Presl) C. Presl, Fl. Sicul.: xlv. 1826 wfo-0000898581
  • =Secale rhodopaeum Delip. in Comp. Rend. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 15(4): 407. 1962 wfo-0000898574
  • Secale montanum subsp. rhodopaeum (Delip.) Kožuharov, Opred. Rast. Bulg.: 786. 1992 wfo-0001368288


Ab(A) Al Ar BH Bu Cg Ct Gg Gr Hs Ir It ?Ko Le Li Ma Mk Rf(CS N S) Se Si(S) Sy Tu(A) [nGa(F) aLa] 

Euro+Med not endemicA: Albania nativenativeB,C,D; Armenia native; Azerbaijan native (Azerbaijan (core) nativenativeE); Bosnia-Herzegovina nativeF; Bulgaria nativenativeD,G; Caucasia (Ab + Ar + Gg + Rf(CS)) nativenativeH; Croatia nativenativeI,J; Former Yugoslavia nativenativeD; France, with Channel is. and Monaco (France naturalised); Georgia native; Greece nativenativeD; Israel/Palestine nativeK; Israel/Palestine-Jordan nativenativeL; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativenativeA; Kosovo native: presence questionableM; Latvia casual; Lebanon nativenativeL; Lebanon-Syria nativeK; Libya nativeN,O,P; Montenegro nativeQ; Morocco nativeN; North Macedonia nativenativeH; Russia (N European Russia nativenativeR, North Caucasus native, S European Russia nativenativeR); Serbia nativeM; Serbia, with Kosovo nativenativeM,S; Sicily, with Malta nativenativeD (Sicily nativenativeA); Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra nativenativeD,T; Syria native; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part nativenativeU,V)

Common Names

Hebrew (Israel): שִׁיפוֹן הֶהָרִיםW; Spanish; Castilian (Spain): centeno moriscoX, centeño moriscoX


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