Senecio vulgaris

Senecio vulgaris


Source: Greuter, W. (2006+): Compositae (pro parte majore). – In: Greuter, W. & Raab-Straube, E. von (ed.): Compositae. Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Senecio vulgaris L., Sp. Pl.: 867. 1753
    • "Senecio dubius" sensu Komarov 19611; sensu Tutin & al. 1964–19802
    • 1. Komarov, V. L. 1961: Flora SSSR 26 [Šiškin, B. K. & Bobrov, E. G.]. – Leningrad, 2. Tutin, T. G., Heywood, V. H., Burges, N. A., Valentine, D. H., Walters, S. M. & Webb, D. A. 1964–1980: Flora europaea 1-5. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press


    AE(G T) Ab(A) Ag Al Ar Au(A L) BH Be(B L) Bl(I M N) Br Bu By Ca(dC dF dG -H L P T) Cg Cm Co Cr Cs Ct Cy Da Eg Es Fa Fe Ga(C F M) Ge Gg Gr Hb(E N) He Ho Hs(A G S) Hu Ir Is It Jo La Le Li Lt Lu Ma Md(dD dM dP) Mk Mo No Rf(C CS E K N NW S) Rm Sa Si(M S) Sk Sl Sn Sr Su Sy Tn Tu(A E) Uk [nAz(F G L M P S T) nPo] 

    Euro+Med not endemic: Albania nativeA,B,C,D,E,F; Algeria nativeG,H,I; Armenia nativeJ; Austria, with Liechtenstein nativeD (Austria nativeK,L, Liechtenstein nativeM); Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan (core) nativeN,O); Azores naturalisedD (Faial naturalisedP,Q,R, Flores naturalisedP,Q,R, Graciosa naturalisedP,Q,R, Pico naturalisedP,Q,R, Santa Maria naturalisedP,Q,R, São Miguel naturalisedP,Q,R, Terceira naturalisedP,Q,R); Baleares nativeD,S,T (Ibiza nativeU,V,W, Mallorca nativeU,V,W, Menorca nativeU,V,W,X); Belarus nativeY,Z; Belgium, with Luxembourg nativeD,AA (Belgium nativeAB, Luxembourg nativeAC); Bosnia-Herzegovina nativeC,AD; Bulgaria nativeC,D,AE,AF,AG; Canary islands nativeG (Fuerteventura native: doubtfully nativeR,AH, Gomera native: doubtfully nativeR,AH, Gran Canaria native: doubtfully nativeR,AH, Hierro native: reported in errorAI, La Palma nativeR,AH, Lanzarote nativeR,AH, Tenerife nativeR,AH); Corsica nativeD,AJ,AK,AL,AM,AN,AO,AP,AQ,AR,AS; Crete, with Karpathos nativeC,D,AT,AU,AV; Crimea nativeD,Y,Z,AW,AX,AY; Croatia nativeC,AM,AZ,BA; Cyprus nativeBB,BC,BD,BE,BF; Czech Republic nativenativeBG,BH,BI,BJ,BK; Denmark nativenativeD,BL; East Aegean islands (Greek East Aegean islands nativenativeAT,AV,BM, Turkish East Aegean islands nativeBN); Egypt nativeG,BO,BP; Estonia nativeBQ,BR; Faroe islands nativeD; Finland nativeD,BS; Former Yugoslavia nativeD; France, with Channel is. and Monaco (Channel islands nativenativeBT, France nativenativeD,U,AJ,BU,BV,BW,BX, Monaco nativeBY); Georgia nativeN,BZ,CA,CB; Germany nativenativeD,CC,CD,CE; Great Britain nativenativeD,CF; Greece nativeC,D,AT,AV,CG,CH; Hungary nativeD,CI,CJ; Iceland nativeD,CK; Ireland, with N Ireland nativeD (Ireland nativeCF,CL,CM, Northern Ireland nativeCF,CL); Israel/Palestine nativeCN,CO,CP; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativeD,AM,AR,AS,CQ,CR; Jordan nativeCS; Latvia nativeBQ,CT; Lebanon nativeCG,CU,CV; Libya nativeG,CW,CX; Lithuania nativeBQ; Madeira archipelago nativeG (Desertas native: doubtfully nativeR,CY,CZ, Madeira island native: doubtfully nativeR,CY,CZ, Porto Santo native: doubtfully nativeR,CY,CZ); Moldova nativeY,DA; Montenegro nativeC,DB; Morocco nativeG,DC,DD,DE; Netherlands nativeD,DF,DG,DH; North Macedonia nativeC,DI,DJ; Norway nativeD,DK; Poland naturalisedDL,DM; Portugal nativeD,Q,DN,DO; Romania nativeC,D,DP,DQ; Russia (C European Russia nativeY,Z, E European Russia nativeY,Z, Kaliningrad region nativeDR, N European Russia nativeY,Z,DS, NW European Russia nativeY,Z, North Caucasus nativeN,Z,DT,DU, S European Russia nativeY); Sardinia nativeD,AM,AR,AS,CQ,DV; Serbia, with Kosovo nativeC,DW; Sicily, with Malta nativeD (Malta nativeDX, Sicily nativenativeAM,AR,AS,CQ,DY); Sinai nativeDZ; Slovakia nativeBG,BH,EA; Slovenia nativeEB,EC; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra nativeD,T (Andorra nativeED,EE,EF, Gibraltar nativeEG, Spain nativenativeS,U,EH,EI,EJ,EK); Sweden nativenativeD,EL,EM; Switzerland nativeD,EN,EO; Syria nativeCO,CU; Tunisia nativeG,EP; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part nativeBM,EQ, Turkey-in-Europe nativeC,D,AV,BM,EQ,ER); Ukraine nativeY,Z,AW; Ukraine, with Crimea nativeES

    Common Names

    Albanian (Albania): Pulith i rëndomtëET; Arabic (Lebanon): بابونَـج الطَّيْرEU, شَرونَة مَبْذولَةEU; Arabic (Syria): بابونَـج الطَّيْرEV, شَرونَة مَبْذولَةEV; Aragonese (Spain): gatetsEW, hierba canaEW, hierba conejeraEW, ierba conejeraEW, yerba-canaEW; Asturian; Bable; Leonese; Asturleonese (Spain): florigallosEW, floripusEW, gallegaEW, mestrantuEW, poleoEW, torviscuEW, xarrayaEW; Azerbaijani (Azerbaijan): Ади хачҝүлүEX; Basque (Spain): kardamiru-phazkaEW, kardinal-bazkaEW, txori janaEW, txori-bedarrEW, txori-kardoEW, zorna-belarEW, zorna-belarrEW, zorna-belarraEW, zorne belarraEW, zorne-belarraEW; Bulgarian (Bulgaria): Обикновен спорежEY; Catalan; Valencian (Spain): apagallumEW, apagallumsEW, bufallumsEW, cap d'ocellEW, cap d´ocellEW, citróEW, flor d'onze mesosEW, flor de onse mesosEW, flor d´onze mesosEW, herba canaEW, herba conilleraEW, herba de cardinaEW, herba de cardinesEW, herba de les cardinesEW, herba peladaEW, herba sanaEW, herba-sanaEW, lletsó bordEW, lletsó de focEW, llumsEW, matafoch bortEW, morrut/morrutsEW, morrutsEW, morruts de bouEW, puputsEW, senixóEW, serixellsEW, vellesaEW, xenixellEW, xerixellEW, xerixellsEW, xinxerinxóEW, xinxirinxonsEW, xinxirinxóEW, xinxirinxónsEW; Corsican (Corse): SinecciuEZ; Croatian (Croatia): BadeljacFA, GuščernjakFA, Kostrič zečjiFA, Obični dragušacFB, Obični kostrišFB, Obični staračacFB; Danish (Denmark): Almindelig BrandbægerFC; Dutch; Flemish (Netherlands): Klein kruiskruidFD; English (Great Britain): GroundselFE; English (Malta): GroundselFF; Estonian (Estonia): Harilik ristirohiFG; Finnish (Finland): PeltovillakkoFC, peltovillakkoFH; French (Belgium): Séneçon vulgaireFI; French (Corse): Séneçon communEZ; French (France): Herbe aux coitronsFJ, Séneçon communFJ, Séneçon vulgaireFJ; French (Switzerland): Herbe aux coitronsFK, Séneçon vulgaireFK; Galician (Spain): antisilaEW, bálsamo menorEW, calcemoEW, calsameloEW, calsamoEW, calsamoraEW, calsemoEW, calzameloEW, calzamoEW, calzemoEW, calçameloEW, cardo-mortoEW, casameloEW, casamelosEW, casamiñaEW, casamoEW, cascabelEW, cascameloEW, casemiñaEW, casemoEW, casimoEW, cazameloEW, caçameloEW, cálcemoEW, cálsamoEW, cálzamoEW, cásamoEW, cásimoEW, cáçamoEW, herba canaEW, herba crechaEW, herba crespaEW, herba da familiaEW, herba das troitasEW, herba-crechaEW, herba-da-familiaEW, legartijaEW, manteigueiraEW, mantequeiraEW, mexacanEW, morgaEW, pipareloEW, sacadorEW, tasneirinhaEW, toriboEW; German (Germany): Gewöhnliches GreiskrautFL; German (Switzerland): Gemeines GreiskrautFM, Gemeines KreuzkrautFM; Hebrew (Israel): סַבְיוֹן פָּשׁוּטFN, סביון פשוטFN; High Aragonese (Spain): gatetsEW, yerba canaEW, yerba conejeraEW, yerba de las cardelinasEW, zuzónEW; Icelandic (Iceland): KrossgrasFC; Italian (Italy): Senecione comuneFO; Italian (Switzerland): Senecione comuneFP; Latvian (Latvia): Parastā krustaineFG; Lithuanian (Lithuania): Paprastoji žilėFG; Majorcan (Mallorca): lletsóEW, lletsó de focEW, lletsó de fochEW, veyesaEW; Majorcan (Menorca): herba de focEW, vellesaEW; Maltese (Malta): KubritaFF, Ħaxixa tal-KanaliFF; Norwegian (Norway): ÅkersvineblomFC; Polish (Poland): Starzec zwyczajnyFQ; Portuguese (Portugal): bon varonEW, calcemoEW, calçameloEW, cardo mortoEW, cardo-moroEW, cardo-mortoEW, casimoEW, caçameloEW, cáçamoEW, herba-crechaEW, herba-da-familiaEW, manteigueiraEW, morgaEW, tasneirinhaEW; Romanian (Moldova): Кручулицэ обишнуитэFR; Russian (Russia): Крестовник обыкновенныйFS; Slovak (Slovakia): Starček obyčajnýFT; Slovenian (Slovenia): Navadni grintFU; Spanish; Castilian (Spain): amargaza amarillaEW, azuzónEW, buen varónEW, cachapeteEW, cachapetesEW, cachapetinaEW, cardo santoEW, cinerariaEW, flor de onse mesosEW, hierba canaEW, hierba conejeraEW, hierba de las quemadurasEW, hierba de los canariosEW, hierba del gusanoEW, hierbacanaEW, hirba canaEW, hoja del gusanoEW, lechocinoEW, morgaEW, pamplinaEW, pamplinasEW, pan de pájaroEW, panoyoEW, piapájarosEW, senecioEW, susón realEW, suzónEW, toriboEW, yerba canaEW, yuyitoEW, zuzónEW; Spanish; Castilian (Tenerife): hierba blancaEW; Swedish (Sweden & Finland): korsörtFH; Swedish (Sweden): KorsörtFV, Vanlig korsörtFC; Ukrainian (Ukraine): Жовтозiлля звичайниеFW; Valencian (Spain): herba canaEW, herba conilleraEW, herba gavachaEW, sitróEW


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    FL. Rothmaler, W. H. P. 2005: Exkursionsflora von Deutschland, 4: Gefäßpflanzen: Kritischer Band, ed. 10. – München (as Senecio vulgaris L.)
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    FP. Aeschimann, D. & Heitz, C. 1996: Indice sinonimico della Flora della Svizzera e territori limitrofi (as Senecio vulgaris L.)
    FQ. Mirek, Z., Piękoś-Mirkova, H., Zając, A. & Zając, M. 2002: Flowering plants and pteridophytes of Poland. A Checklist. – Biodiversity Poland 1 (as Senecio vulgaris L.)
    FR. Gejdeman, T. S. 1986: Opredelitel' vysših rastenij Moldavskoj SSR, ed. 3. – Kisinev: Shtiintza (as Senecio vulgaris L.)
    FS. Fedorov, A. A. 1994: Flora Partis europaeae URSS 7. – Leningrad (as Senecio vulgaris L.)
    FT. Marhold, K. & Hindák, F. 1998: Zoznam nižších a vyšších rastlín Slovenska. – Bratislava (as Senecio vulgaris L.)
    FU. Trpin, D. & Vreš, B. 1995: Register flore Slovenije. Praprotnice in cvetnice. – Ljubljana (as Senecio vulgaris L.)
    FV. Karlsson, T. & Thomas: Checklista över Nordens kärlväxter – (as Senecio vulgaris L.)
    FW. Prokudin, J. N. 1999: Opredelitel’ vysših rastenij Ukrainy (as Senecio vulgaris L.)