Orthilia secunda subsp. secunda

Orthilia secunda subsp. secunda


Source: Raab-Straube, E. von (2016+): Orthilia. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Orthilia secunda (L.) House subsp. secunda


    Al Ar Au Br Bu By Cg Cm dCo Cs Ct Da Es Fe Ga(F) Ge Gg Gr Hb(E) He Hs(A S) Hu Is It La Lt Mk Mo No Po Rf(C E N NW) Rm Si(S) Sk Sl Sr Su Tu(A) Uk [Be] 

    Euro+Med not endemic: Albania nativeA; Armenia nativeB; Austria, with Liechtenstein nativeA; Belarus nativeC,D; Belgium, with Luxembourg introducedA; Bulgaria nativeA; Corsica native: doubtfully nativeE; Crimea nativeA,C,D; Croatia nativeB; Czech Republic nativeF; Denmark nativeA; Estonia nativeB; Finland nativeA; Former Yugoslavia nativeA; France, with Channel is. and Monaco (France nativeA); Georgia nativeB; Germany nativeA; Great Britain nativeA; Greece nativeA; Hungary nativeA,G; Iceland nativeA; Ireland, with N Ireland nativeA (Ireland nativeB); Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativeA; Latvia nativeB; Lithuania nativeB; Moldova nativeB; Montenegro nativeH; North Macedonia nativeB; Norway nativeA; Poland nativeA; Romania nativeA; Russia (C European Russia nativeC,D, E European Russia nativeC,D, N European Russia nativeC,D, NW European Russia nativeC,D); Serbia, with Kosovo nativeI; Sicily, with Malta nativeA (Sicily nativeJ,K); Slovakia nativeL; Slovenia nativeM; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra nativeA (Andorra nativeN, Spain nativeN,O); Sweden nativeA; Switzerland nativeA; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part nativeB); Ukraine nativeC,D; Ukraine, with Crimea nativeB


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    B. 2003: Personal Communication (B.Valdés)
    C. Fedorov, A. A. 1981: Flora partis europaeae URSS 5. – Leningrad (as Orthilia secunda (L.) House)
    D. Tzvelev, N. N. & Geltman, D. V. (ed.) 2012: Conspectus Florae Europae Orientalis 1. – Petropoli (as Orthilia secunda (L.) House)
    E. Jeanmonod, D. & Gamisans, J. 2013: Flora corsica, ed. 2. – Saujon: Société Botanique du Centre-Ouest (as Orthilia secunda (L.) House)
    F. Danihelka, J., Chrtek, J. & Kaplan, Z. 2012: Checklist of vascular plants of the Czech Republic. – Preslia 84: 647-811
    G. Simon, T. 1992: A magyarországi edényes flóra határozója. Harasztok - virágos növények. – Budapest (as Orthilia secunda (L.) House)
    H. Rohlena, J. 1942: Conspectus Florae Montenegrinae (as Ramischia secunda (L.) Garcke)
    I. Josifović, M. 1972: Flora SR Srbije = Flore de la Republique Socialiste de Serbie 3. – Beograd: Academie Serbe des sciences et des arts (as Ramischia secunda (L.) Garcke)
    J. Giardina, G., Raimondo, F. M. & Spadaro, V. 2007: A catalogue of plants growing in Sicily. – Bocconea 20
    K. Raimondo, F. M., Domina, G. & Spadaro, V. 2010: Checklist of the vascular flora of Sicily. – Quaderni di Botanica ambientale e applicata 21: 189-252
    L. Marhold, K. & Hindák, F. 1998: Zoznam nižších a vyšších rastlín Slovenska. – Bratislava
    M. Martinčič, A. 1999: Mala flora Slovenije, ed. 3. – Ljubljana (as Orthilia secunda (L.) House)
    N. Castroviejo, S. 1993: Flora Iberica. Plantas vasculares de la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares. 4 (as Orthilia secunda (L.) House)
    O. Bolòs, O. de, Vigo Bonada, J., Masalles, R. M. & Ninot, J. M. 2005: Flora manual dels països catalans, ed. 3. – Barcelona (as Pyrola secunda L.)