Celtis australis

Celtis australis


Source: Uotila, P. (2011+): Ulmaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Celtis australis L., Sp. Pl.: 1043. 1753


    AE(G) Ab(A N) Ag Al Ar BH Bu Cg Cm dCo dCr Ct Ga(F) Gg Gr He Hs(A G S) Ir It Jo Lu Ma Mk Rf(CS) Rm Sa Si(S) Sl Sr Sy Tn Tu(A E) [cAu(A) nBl(dI nM nN) Ca(nC nG) nCy aHu nLe Md(nM)] 

    Euro+Med not endemic: Albania nativenativeA,B; Algeria native; Armenia native; Austria, with Liechtenstein (Austria cultivated); Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan (core) native, Nakhchivan native); Baleares naturalised (Ibiza introduced: doubtfully introduced (perhaps cultivated only), Mallorca naturalised, Menorca naturalised); Bosnia-Herzegovina native; Bulgaria native; Canary islands introduced (Gomera naturalised, Gran Canaria naturalised); Corsica native: doubtfully native; Crete, with Karpathos native: doubtfully native; Crimea native; Croatia nativenativeC; Cyprus naturalised; East Aegean islands (Greek East Aegean islands native); Former Yugoslavia native; France, with Channel is. and Monaco native (France native); Georgia nativenativeD; Greece native; Hungary casual; Israel/Palestine nativeE,F; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City native; Jordan nativeF,G; Lebanon naturalised; Madeira archipelago introduced (Madeira island naturalised); Montenegro native; Morocco native; North Macedonia native; Portugal native; Romania native; Russia (North Caucasus native); Sardinia native; Serbia, with Kosovo nativenativeH; Sicily, with Malta native (Sicily native); Slovenia native; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra native (Andorra native, Gibraltar native, Spain native); Switzerland native; Syria nativeF; Tunisia native; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part native, Turkey-in-Europe native)

    Common Names

    Aragonese (Spain): alatoneroI, almezI, gruñueloI, laitoneroI, latoneroI, latones (fruto)I, ledónI, lirolerI, lironeroI, litoneroI, litoreroI, litón (fruto)I, lladonéI, llarón (fruto)I, llatoneroI, llironerI, llironeroI, llironéI, llirón (fruto)I, lodónI; Basque (Spain): almezaI, almezáI, basakaI, lodoñoI; Catalan; Valencian (Spain): aliguerI, allidonerI, dellonerI, dellunerI, ladonerI, ladóI, lidonI, lidonerI, lidóI, lladonerI, lladons (fruto)I, lladonéI, lladóI, llaonerI, lledonI, lledonerI, lledonisI, lledóI, lledónI, lleronerI, llidonerI, llidoneroI, llidóI, llironerI, lliróI, llonerI; Galician (Spain): agreiraI, aligoneroI, almaizoI, almanzoI, almezI, bruñeiroI, gruñalI, gruñeiroI, gruñuroI, lidueiroI, lodeiroI, lodoeiroI, lodoneiroI, lodueiroI, lódâo-bastardoI, maroubeiraI, maroubeiroI, marubeiroI, virgondoiroI; Greek, Modern (1453-) (Greece): ΑπανιάJ, ΓλυκιάJ, ΓλυκοκουκκιάJ, ΜελικουκκιάJ, ΜελικουτσιάJ, ΜικροκουκκιάJ, ΤρικοκκιάJ, ΤσικνιδιάJ, γαψιάJ, γκαβγκιάJ, γοροβολιάJ, κακαβιάJ, κακαδιάJ, κακατσομηλιάJ, κεράδαJ, κοκκονιάJ, κορτσιδιάJ, κουτσομηλιάJ, κυπρίβαJ, λουτιάJ, λουτούδ'J, λώτοςJ, μολοκοκκιάJ, μπορμποτσελιάJ, τρικουτζιάJ, φτελοκοτζιάJ, φτελοκουτσιάJ; High Aragonese (Spain): alatoneroI, latoneroI, lironeroI, litoneroI, lladonerI, llatoneroI, llironerI, llironeroI; Majorcan (Mallorca): lladonerI, lledonerI; Portuguese (Portugal): agreiraI, lamigueiroI, lodamI, lodaô bastardoI, lodaô da BeiraI, lodoI, lodo-bastardoI, lodoeiroI, loto célticoI, lódâo bastardoI, lódâo-bastardoI, lódão-bastardoI, pernacilheiroI; Spanish; Castilian (Spain): aladoneroI, alatoneroI, alatónI, aligoneroI, alironeroI, alirónI, allatoneroI, almarzoI, almecinaI, almecina (fruto)I, almecineroI, almecinoI, almedineroI, almeisoI, almencinoI, almencínI, almerguineroI, almerinoI, almesoI, almezI, almez coloradoI, almezaI, almeza (fruto)I, almezoI, almiguinalI, almiguinoI, armezI, bagolaroI, bermejoI, bolitas de aligónI, chilindronarI, cupilloI, hojaranzoI, ladoneroK, ladónK, latoneroK, latones (fruto)K, latónK, ledoneroK, ledónK, lidoneroK, lironeroK, lirónK, lirón (fruto)K, llidoneroK, llidonesK, lodoboK, lodoñeroK, lodoñoK, lodónK, loto-árbolK, lotonoK, melmezK, mermeceK, mermecillaK, mermecinaK, mermecinoK, mermezK, mermésK, ojaranzoK; Valencian (Spain): aligoneroK, caicabasK, caicaber (fruto)K, caicabesK, litonerK, lladonerK, lledonerK, lleonerK, llidonerK, llidonsK, llidons (fruto)K


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