Cerinthe minor subsp. cleiostoma

Cerinthe minor subsp. cleiostoma


Source: Valdés, B. & Raab-Straube, E. von (2011+): Boraginaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Cerinthe minor subsp. cleiostoma (Boiss. & Spruner) Selvi & Cecchi in Taxon 58: 1321. 2009
  • Cerinthe cleiostoma Boiss. & Spruner in Boissier, Diagn. Pl. Orient. 4: 44. 1844
  • =Cerinthe lamprocarpa Murb. in Acta Univ. Lund. 27(5): 85. 1891
  • =Cerinthe tristis Teyber in Oesterr. Bot. Z. 63: 491. 1913


BH Cg Ct Gr 

Euro+Med endemicA: Bosnia-Herzegovina nativeA; Croatia nativeA,B,C; Greece nativeA; Montenegro nativeA,D


A. Selvi, F., Cecchi, L. & Coppi, A. 2009: Phylogeny, karyotype evolution and taxonomy of Cerinthe L. (Boraginaceae). – Taxon; official news bulletin of the international society for plant taxonomy 58: 1307-1325
B. Nikolić, T. 2000: Flora Croatica. Index florae Croaticae, 3. – Natura Croatica 9, Suppl. 1 (as Cerinthe tristis Teyber)
C. Nikolić, T. 2020: Flora Croatica. Vaskularna flora Republike Hrvatske 2. – Zagreb (as Cerinthe tristis Teyber)
D. Rohlena, J. 1942: Conspectus florae montenegrinae. – Preslia. Věstník (Časopis) československé botanické společnosti 20-21: 1-506 (as Cerinthe lamprocarpa Murb.)