Androsace saussurei

Androsace saussurei


Source: Marhold, K. (2011+): Primulaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Androsace saussurei Dentant & al. in Sci. Rep. 11(11128): 7. 2021


    Ga(F) He It 

    Euro+Med endemic: France, with Channel is. and Monaco (France nativeA); Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativeA; Switzerland nativeA


    A. Boucher, F. C., Dentant, C., Ibanez, S., Capblanc, T., Boleda, M., Boulangeat, L., Smyčka, J., Roquet, C. & Lavergne, S. 2021: Discovery of cryptic plant diversity on the rooftops of the Alps. – Scientific reports 11(11128): 1-10.