Viola collina

Viola collina


Source: Raab-Straube, E. von & Henning, T. (2018+): Violaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Viola collina Besser, Enum. Pl.: 10. 1822
  • Viola odorata subsp. collina (Besser) Čelak., Kvĕtena oholí Pražského Sepsal: 82. 1870
  • =Viola porphyrea Garcke, Fl. N. Mitt.-Deutschland, ed. 13: 51. 1878


Au(A L) ?BH Be By Co Cs Ct Es Fe Ga(F) Ge He Hs Hu It La Lt Mo No Po Rf(C E K N NW S) Rm Sk Sl Su Uk 

Euro+Med endemicA,B: Austria, with Liechtenstein nativeC (Austria nativeD,E,F, Liechtenstein nativeE); Belarus nativeG,H,I; Belgium, with Luxembourg nativeC; Bosnia-Herzegovina native: presence questionableJ; Corsica nativeA,C; Croatia nativeK,L,M,N; Czech Republic nativeF,O,P,Q,R,S,T; Estonia nativeG,H,I,U; Finland nativeC,V,W,X; Former Yugoslavia nativeC; France, with Channel is. and Monaco (France nativeC,Y,Z); Germany nativeC,F,AA,AB,AC,AD; Hungary nativeC,AE,AF; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativeB,C,E,M,AG; Latvia nativeG,H,I,U; Lithuania nativeG,H,I,U; Moldova nativeAH; Norway nativeC,W,X; Poland nativeC,AI,AJ; Romania nativeC,AK,AL,AM; Russia (C European Russia nativeG,H,I, E European Russia nativeG,H,I, Kaliningrad region nativeG,H,I,AN, N European Russia nativeG,H,I, NW European Russia nativeG,H,I,AO, S European Russia nativeG,H,I); Slovakia nativeP,Q,R,S,AP; Slovenia nativeN,AQ; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra nativeC; Sweden nativeC,W,X,AR,AS; Switzerland nativeC,F,AT,AU,AV; Ukraine nativeH,I; Ukraine, with Crimea nativeG,AW,AX

Common Names

Finnish (Finland): mäkiorvokkiAY; Swedish (Sweden & Finland): bergviolAY


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