Ranunculus muricatus

Ranunculus muricatus


Source: Hörandl, E. & Raab-Straube, E. von (2015+): Ranunculeae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Ranunculus muricatus L., Sp. Pl.: 555. 1753
    • =Ranunculus graecus Griseb., Spic. Fl. Rumel. 1: 314. 1843
    • =Ranunculus lavrentiadis Papan. & Kokkini in Feddes Repert. 94: 591. 1983


    AE(G) Ab(A) Ag Al Ar BH Bl(I M N) Bu dCa(C G H P T) Cg Cm Co Cr Ct Cy Eg Ga(F M) Gg Gr He Hs(S) Ir It Jo Le Li Lu Ma Mk Rf(CS) Rm Sa Si(M S) Sl Sy Tn Tu(A E) Uk [nAz(F G L M P S T) Br aDa aGe aHb(N) nHo nMd(M P) Mo aNo aSu] 

    Euro+Med not endemic: Albania nativeA,B,C,D,E,F,G; Algeria nativeB,H; Armenia nativeI,J,K; Azerbaijan nativeL (Azerbaijan (core) nativeI,K); Azores naturalisedE,M (Faial naturalisedM,N, Flores naturalisedN, Graciosa naturalisedM,N, Pico naturalisedN, Santa Maria naturalisedM,N, São Miguel naturalisedM,N, Terceira naturalisedM,N); Baleares nativeB,E (Ibiza nativeO,P,Q, Mallorca nativeO,P,Q, Menorca nativeO,P,Q); Bosnia-Herzegovina nativeC; Bulgaria nativeB,E,R; Canary islands native: doubtfully nativeH,M,S (Gomera native: doubtfully nativeM,S, Gran Canaria native: doubtfully nativeM,S, Hierro native: doubtfully nativeM,S, La Palma native: doubtfully nativeM,S, Tenerife native: doubtfully nativeM,S); Corsica nativeB,E,T,U,V,W; Crete, with Karpathos nativeB,C,E,X; Crimea nativeB,E,Y,Z,AA; Croatia nativeC,AB,AC; Cyprus nativeB,AD; Denmark casualAE; East Aegean islands nativeB (Greek East Aegean islands nativeX); Egypt nativeB,H,AF,AG; Former Yugoslavia nativeB,E; France, with Channel is. and Monaco nativeB,E (France nativeW,AH,AI, Monaco nativeAJ); Georgia nativeI,K,AK,AL; Germany casualAM; Great Britain introducedE; Greece nativeB,C,E,X,AN; Ireland, with N Ireland (Northern Ireland casualAO); Israel/Palestine nativeAP,AQ; Israel/Palestine-Jordan nativeB,AR; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativeB,E,AH,AS; Jordan nativeAQ,AT,AU; Lebanon nativeAV,AW; Lebanon-Syria nativeB,AR; Libya nativeB,H,AX; Madeira archipelago naturalisedH,M,AY (Madeira island naturalisedM,AY, Porto Santo naturalisedAY); Moldova introducedZ,AZ; Montenegro nativeC,BA; Morocco nativeB,H,BB,BC; Netherlands naturalisedBD; North Macedonia nativeC,BE; Norway casualAE; Portugal nativeB,E,P; Romania nativeE,BF; Russia (North Caucasus nativeI); Sardinia nativeB,E,AS,BG; Sicily, with Malta nativeE (Malta nativeB, Sicily nativeB,AS,BH,BI); Slovenia nativeBJ; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra nativeB,E (Spain nativeO,P); Sweden casualAE; Switzerland nativeBK; Syria nativeAQ,AV,BL; Tunisia nativeB,H; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part nativeB, Turkey-in-Europe nativeB,E); Ukraine nativeBM; Ukraine, with Crimea nativeBM

    Common Names

    Portuguese (Portugal): bugalhóBN; Spanish; Castilian (Spain): abrepuñosBN, abrojo a cuatroBN, abrojos a cincoBN, abrojos a cuatroBN, amóriasBN, cadillosBN, cardo abrepuñoBN, centellaBN, hierba centellaBN, pata de gallinaBN, yerba centella de algunosBN


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