Ranunculus flammula

Ranunculus flammula


Source: Hörandl, E. & Raab-Straube, E. von (2015+): Ranunculeae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Ranunculus flammula L., Sp. Pl.: 548. 1753
    • "Ranunculus flammula subsp. reptans" sensu JORDANOV, D. (ed.) - Flora na Narodna Republika Balgarija. Izdatelstvo na Balgarskata akademija na naukite, Sofija, 1963-... 1: [1]-507. 1963, 2: [1]-423. 1964; 3: [1]-637. 1966; 4: [1]-748. 1970; 5: [1]-442. 1973; 6: [1]-590. 1976; 7: [1]-529. 1979; 8: [1]-518. 1982-...; sensu JOSIFOVIC, M. & al. - Flora sr Srbije. Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnosni, Beograd, 1970-1976. 1: [I]-X, [1]-326. 1970; 2: [I]-X, [1]-294. 1970; 3: [I]-XVIII, [1]-599. 1972; 4: [I]-XV, [i], [1]-584. 1972; 5: [I]-XX, [1]-640. 1973; 6: [I]-XVII,[i], [1]-599. 1974;7: [I]-XIX, [i], [1]-651. 1975; 8: [I]-XVIII, [1]-515. 1976.1; sensu STOJANOV, N., B. STEFANOV & B. KITANOV - Flora na Balgarija (ed. 4). Nauka i iskustvo, Sofija, 1966-1967. 1: [1]-[564]. 1966; 2: [565]-[1326]. 1967.2
    • "Ranunculus lingua" sensu WILLKOMM, H. M. & J. M. C. LANGE - Prodromus florae hispanicae. E. Schweizerbart (E. Koch), Stuttgartiae, 1861-1880. 1/1: [I]-VIII, 1-192. 1861; 1/2: [IX]-XXX, 193-316. 1862 [janv.-mars); 2/1: 1-272. 1865 (déc.); 2/2: 273-480. 1868 (janv.-sept.); 2/3: 481-680. 1870 (janv.-juil.); 3/1: 1-240. 1874 (juil.); 3/2: 241-512. 1877 (janv.-mars); 3/3: 513-736. 1878 (janv.-oct.); (... -> notes)3
    • 1. JOSIFOVIC, M. & al. - Flora sr Srbije. Srpska Akademija Nauka i Umetnosni, Beograd, 1970-1976. 1: [I]-X, [1]-326. 1970; 2: [I]-X, [1]-294. 1970; 3: [I]-XVIII, [1]-599. 1972; 4: [I]-XV, [i], [1]-584. 1972; 5: [I]-XX, [1]-640. 1973; 6: [I]-XVII,[i], [1]-599. 1974;7: [I]-XIX, [i], [1]-651. 1975; 8: [I]-XVIII, [1]-515. 1976., 2. STOJANOV, N., B. STEFANOV & B. KITANOV - Flora na Balgarija (ed. 4). Nauka i iskustvo, Sofija, 1966-1967. 1: [1]-[564]. 1966; 2: [565]-[1326]. 1967., 3. WILLKOMM, H. M. & J. M. C. LANGE - Prodromus florae hispanicae. E. Schweizerbart (E. Koch), Stuttgartiae, 1861-1880. 1/1: [I]-VIII, 1-192. 1861; 1/2: [IX]-XXX, 193-316. 1862 [janv.-mars); 2/1: 1-272. 1865 (déc.); 2/2: 273-480. 1868 (janv.-sept.); 2/3: 481-680. 1870 (janv.-juil.); 3/1: 1-240. 1874 (juil.); 3/2: 241-512. 1877 (janv.-mars); 3/3: 513-736. 1878 (janv.-oct.); (... -> notes)


    Ag Al Ar Au(A L) Az BH Be(B L) -Bl Br Bu Cg Co Cs Ct Da Es Fa Fe Ga(C F) Ge Gg Gr Hb(E N) He Ho Hs(S) Hu It La Lt Lu Ma Mk Mo No Po Rf(C E K N NW) Rm Sa Si(S) Sk Sl Sr Su Tu(A) Uk [nAz(F L M P T) nMd(M)] 

    Euro+Med endemic: Albania nativenativeA,B,C,D,E; Algeria nativeA,F; Armenia nativeG,H,I; Austria, with Liechtenstein nativenativeC (Austria nativeJ,K,L, Liechtenstein nativeK,L,M,N); Azores native (Faial naturalised, Flores naturalisednaturalisedO, Pico naturalisednaturalisedO, São Miguel naturalisednaturalisedO, Terceira naturalisednaturalisedO); Baleares native: reported in errorA; Baltic states, with Kaliningrad region nativeP; Belgium, with Luxembourg nativenativeC,Q (Belgium nativeR, Luxembourg nativeR,S); Bosnia-Herzegovina nativeT; Bulgaria nativenativeA,C,T,U; Corsica nativenativeA,C,V,W,X,Y; Croatia nativenativeT,Z,AA; Czech Republic nativeAB; Denmark nativenativeC,AC,AD; Estonia nativenativeAE,AF; Faroe islands nativenativeC,AD; Finland nativenativeC,AD,AG; Former Yugoslavia nativenativeA,C; France, with Channel is. and Monaco nativenativeA,C (Channel islands nativenativeAH, France nativeL,Q,Y,AI); Georgia nativeG,I,AJ,AK; Germany nativenativeC,L,AL,AM,AN,AO; Great Britain nativenativeC,AH; Greece nativenativeA,C,AP,AQ; Hungary nativenativeC,AR; Ireland, with N Ireland nativenativeC (Ireland nativenativeAH,AS, Northern Ireland nativenativeAH,AS); Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativenativeA,C,L,AT; Latvia nativenativeAF; Lithuania nativenativeAF,AU; Madeira archipelago naturalisedO,AV (Madeira island naturalisedO,AV); Moldova nativeP,AW; Montenegro nativeT,AX; Morocco nativeA,F,AY,AZ,BA; Netherlands nativenativeC,BB; North Macedonia nativeBC; Norway nativenativeC,AD,BD; Poland nativenativeC,BE,BF; Portugal nativenativeA,C,BG; Romania nativenativeC,BH; Russia (C European Russia nativeP, E European Russia nativeP, Kaliningrad region nativeBI, N European Russia nativeP, NW European Russia nativeP,BJ); Sardinia nativenativeA,C,AT,BK; Serbia, with Kosovo nativenativeBL; Serbia, with Kosovo and Montenegro nativeT; Sicily, with Malta nativenativeC (Sicily nativeA,AT,BM,BN); Slovakia nativeBO; Slovenia nativeL,BP; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra nativenativeA,C (Spain nativeBG,BQ); Sweden nativenativeC,AD,BR,BS; Switzerland nativenativeC,L,BT,BU; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part nativeA); Ukraine nativeP; Ukraine, with Crimea nativeBV,BW

    Common Names

    Catalan; Valencian (Spain): api de granotaBX, mata-anyellsBX, mataanyellsBX, àpit de granotaBX; Finnish (Finland): ojaleinikkiBY; Galician (Spain): bojallonBX, bugallonBX, bugallónBX, centellaBX, flámulaBX, herba do pobreBX, herba do probeBX, herba dos humerosBX, herba dos humoresBX, herba dos pordioseirosBX, lanzoaBX, lenzoaBX, lenzoáBX; Portuguese (Portugal): ranúnculo-flámulaBX, ranúnculo-inflamatorioBX, ranúnculo-inflamatórioBX; Spanish; Castilian (Spain): bugallónBX, flámulaBX, hierba de la flámulaBX, hierba flámulaBX, ranúnculo flámmulaBX, ranúnculo inflamatorioBX, ranúnculo menorBX, yerba de la flámulaBX; Swedish (Sweden & Finland): ältranunkelBY


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