Ranunculus repens
Source: Hörandl, E. & Raab-Straube, E. von (2015+): Ranunculeae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Ranunculus repens, Sp. Pl.: 554. 1753 wfo-0000463198
- =Ranunculus lucidus in Lamarck & Poiret, Encycl. 6: 113. 1804 wfo-0001277283
- =Ranunculus pubescens, Gen. Sp. Pl.: 19. 1816 wfo-0000463227
- =Ranunculus lagascanus, Prodr. 1: 43. 1824 wfo-0000460919
Ab(A N) Ag Al Ar Au(A L) BH Be(L) Bl(I M) Br Bu By dCa(T) Cg Cm Co Cs Ct Da Es Fa Fe Ga(C F) Ge Gg Gr Hb(E N) He Ho Hs(A S) Hu Is It La Lt Lu Ma Mk Mo No Po Rf(C CS E K N NW S) Rm Sa Si(S) Sl Sr Su Tu(A E) Uk [nAz(F J L M P S T) nMd(M) aSb Sk]
Euro+Med not endemic: Albania nativeA,B,C,D,E,F,G; Algeria nativeB,H; Armenia nativeI,J,K; Austria, with Liechtenstein nativeE (Austria nativeL,M,N, Liechtenstein nativeM,N,O); Azerbaijan nativeP (Azerbaijan (core) nativeI,K, Nakhchivan nativeI,K); Azores naturalisedE,Q,R (Faial naturalisedQ,R, Flores naturalisedQ,R, Pico naturalisedQ,R, Santa Maria naturalisedR, São Jorge naturalisedQ,R, São Miguel naturalisedQ,R, Terceira naturalisedQ,R); Baleares nativeB (Ibiza nativeS, Mallorca nativeS,T); Belarus nativeU; Belgium, with Luxembourg nativeE,V (Luxembourg nativeW); Bosnia-Herzegovina nativeC; Bulgaria nativeB,C,E,X; Canary islands native: doubtfully nativeH,Q,Y (Tenerife native: doubtfully nativeQ,Y); Corsica nativeB,E,Z,AA,AB,AC; Crimea nativeB,E,U,AD; Croatia nativeC,AE,AF; Czech Republic nativeAG; Denmark nativeE,AH,AI; Estonia nativeAJ,AK; Faroe islands nativeE,AI; Finland nativeE,AI,AL; Former Yugoslavia nativeB,E; France, with Channel is. and Monaco nativeB,E (Channel islands nativeAM,AN, France nativeN,V,AC,AO); Georgia nativeI,K,AP,AQ; Germany nativeE,N,AR,AS,AT,AU,AV; Great Britain nativeE,AM,AN,AW; Greece nativeB,C,E,AX; Hungary nativeE,AY; Iceland nativeE; Ireland, with N Ireland nativeE (Ireland nativeAM,AN,AW,AZ, Northern Ireland nativeAM,AN,AW,AZ); Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City nativeB,E,N,BA; Latvia nativeAK; Lithuania nativeAK,BB; Madeira archipelago naturalisedH,Q,BC (Madeira island naturalisedQ,BC); Moldova nativeU,BD; Montenegro nativeC,BE; Morocco nativeB,H,BF,BG; Netherlands nativeE,BH; North Macedonia nativeC,BI; Norway nativeE,AI,BJ; Poland nativeE,BK,BL; Portugal nativeB,E,S; Romania nativeC,E,BM; Russia (C European Russia nativeU, E European Russia nativeU, Kaliningrad region nativeBN, N European Russia nativeU, NW European Russia nativeU,BO, North Caucasus nativeI,K, S European Russia nativeU); Sardinia nativeB,E,BA; Serbia, with Kosovo nativeBP; Serbia, with Kosovo and Montenegro nativeC; Sicily, with Malta nativeE (Sicily nativeB,BA); Slovakia introducedBQ; Slovenia nativeN,BR; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra nativeB,E (Andorra nativeS,BS,BT, Spain nativeS,BU); Svalbard casualAI; Sweden nativeE,AI,BV,BW; Switzerland nativeE,N,BX,BY; Turkey (Turkey, Asiatic part nativeB, Turkey-in-Europe nativeB,E); Ukraine nativeU; Ukraine, with Crimea nativeBZ,CA
Common Names
Aragonese (Spain): botón de oroCB; Asturian; Bable; Leonese; Asturleonese (Spain): bugallaCB, patallobaCB, redellobasCB; Basque (Spain): apiazaCB, edaskiaCB, edasquiaCB, urdan belarraCB, urdan-belarraCB, urrebotoiaCB; Catalan; Valencian (Spain): botons d'orCB, botó d'orCB, botó d'or repentCB, botó dauratCB, botó d´orCB, francesilla de campCB, ranuncleCB, ranuncle repentCB; Finnish (Finland): rönsyleinikkiCC; Galician (Spain): bogallónCB, botón de ouroCB, bugallónCB, buganoCB, capelosCB, herba belidaCB, herba d'ouroCB, herba de ouroCB, herba de pata de loboCB, herba do loboCB, pata de loboCB, patalobaCB, pataloboCB, pateloCB, patelosCB, pe de patoCB, pitelosCB, pouta de loboCB, punta lobaCB, pé de gatoCB, pé de loboCB, pé de puldriñoCB; Majorcan (Mallorca): botons d´orCB; Portuguese (Portugal): borboleta-pataloCB, bota%o-de-ouroCB, botâo de oiroCB, botâo de ouroCB, botâo d´oiro rasteiroCB, botâo d´ouroCB, botâo d´ouro rasteiroCB, botâo-de-ouroCB, botâo-de-ouro-rasteiroCB, erva belidaCB, erva-belidaCB, erva-quaresmaCB, flores de quaresmaCB, flores-de-quaresmaCB, herva belidaCB, pataloCB, patalóCB, patuloCB, rainúnculo-pataloCB, ranúnculo-pataloCB, ranúnculo-patalóCB, ranúnculo-rasteiroCB; Spanish; Castilian (Spain): angelitoCB, botones de oroCB, botóbCB, botón de oroCB, bugallaCB, celedueña de la patayobaCB, centellaCB, clavel silvestreCB, hierba belidaCB, mimitisasCB, pata de gallinaCB, patalobaCB, patalobarCB, patayobaCB, patayoba de la praderaCB, patiloboCB, patilobosCB, pouta de loboCB, punta lobaCB, ranuncloCB, ranúnculo de pradoCB, rastreroCB, redebollasCB, redellobasCB, renuncloCB; Swedish (Sweden & Finland): revsmörblommaCC
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