Rubus grabowskii

Rubus grabowskii


Source: Kurtto, A. & Weber, H. E. (2009+): Rubus. – In: Kurtto, A. (ed.): Rosaceae. Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Rubus grabowskii Weihe in Günther & Schummel, Sched. Cent. Siles. Exsicc.: 14. 1827
  • Rubus fruticosus subsp. grabowskii (Weihe) Syme, Engl. Bot., ed. 3B, 3: 173. 1864
  • Rubus arduennensis subsp. grabowskii (Weihe) Frid. in Bot. Centralbl. 77: 336. 1899
  • =Rubus thyrsoideus Wimm., Fl. Schles.: 204. 1832, nom. illeg.
  • =Rubus thyrsanthus Focke, Syn. Rub. Germ.: 168. 1877, nom. illeg.
  • =Rubus thyrsoideus subsp. thyrsanthus (Nyman) Focke, Syn. Rub. Germ.: 168. 1877
  • =Rubus rugicus E. H. L. Krause in Prahl, Krit. Fl. Prov. Schlesw.-Holst. 2(1): 55. 1889
  • =Rubus montanus subsp. thyrsanthus (Nyman) Halácsy in Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 41: 277. 1891
  • =Rubus hemidynatos Ant. Mayer in Denkschr. Bayer. Bot. Ges. Regensburg 18: 144. 1931


● -Al Au(A) Be(B L) -Br -Bu Cs Da †Fe Ga(F) Ge -Hb He Ho Hu ?It -Mk No Po ?Rm Sk -Sl -Sr Su Uk 

Euro+Med endemicA: Albania native: reported in errorA; Austria, with Liechtenstein nativeB (Austria nativeC,D); Belgium, with Luxembourg (Belgium nativeA, Luxembourg nativeA); Bulgaria native: reported in errorA; Czech Republic nativeD,E,F,G; Denmark nativeA; Finland native: formerly nativeA; Former Yugoslavia native: reported in errorA; France, with Channel is. and Monaco nativeB (France nativeA); Germany nativeB,D,H,I; Great Britain native: reported in errorA; Hungary nativeB,J; Ireland, with N Ireland native: reported in errorA; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City native: presence questionableA; Netherlands nativeA; North Macedonia native: reported in errorA; Norway nativeB,K; Poland nativeB,D,L; Romania native: presence questionableA; Serbia, with Kosovo native: reported in errorA; Slovakia nativeM; Slovenia native: reported in errorA; Sweden nativeB,N,O; Switzerland nativeA,B,P; Ukraine nativeA,Q

Common Names

Finnish (Finland): valtikkavatukkaR; Greek, Modern (1453-) (Greece): Ρούβος ο θυρσοειδήςS; Swedish (Sweden & Finland): spirbjörnbärR


A. Kurtto, A. & al. (ed.) 2009: Atlas Florae Europaeae (manuscript) 15. – Helsinki
B. Tutin, T. G., Heywood, V. H., Burges, N. A., Valentine, D. H., Walters, S. M. & Webb, D. A. 1964–1980: Flora europaea 1-5. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (as Rubus thyrsanthus Focke)
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K. Lid, D. T. 1994: Norsk Flora, ed. 6. – Oslo
L. Mirek, Z. 1995: Vascular plants of Poland. A Checklist. – Polish Botanical Studies Guidebook Series 15
M. Marhold, K. & Hindák, F. 1998: Zoznam nižších a vyšších rastlín Slovenska. – Bratislava
N. Karlsson, T. 1998: Förteckning över svenska kärlväxter. – Svensk botanisk tidskrift utgifven af svenska botaniska föreningen 91(5): 241-560
O. Krok, T. O. B. N. & Almquist, S. O. I. 1994: Svensk Flora: Fanerogamer och ormbunksvaxter 27, ed. 27. – Stockholm
P. Hess, H. E. 1998: Bestimmungsschlüssel zur Flora der Schweiz und angrenzender Gebiete, ed. 4. – Basel, Boston & Berlin (as Rubus thyrsanthus Focke)
Q. Mosyakin, S. L. & Fedoronchuk, M. M. 1999: Vascular plants of Ukraine. A nomenclatural checklist. – Kiev: M. G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
R. Kurtto, A., Lampinen, R., Piirainen, M. & Uotila, P. 2019: Checklist of the vascular plants of Finland. Suomen putkilokasvien luettelo. – Helsinki: Finnish Museum of Natural History LUOMUS
S. Kabbadas, D. S. 1957–1964: Eikonographemenon botanikon-phytologikon lexikon. – Athenai (as Rubus thyrsoideus Wimm.)