Rubus lianos

Rubus lianos


Source: Kurtto, A. & Weber, H. E. (2009+): Rubus. – In: Kurtto, A. (ed.): Rosaceae. Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Rubus lianos A. Beek & al. in Gorteria 43: 90. 2021


    Be(B) Ge Ho 

    Euro+Med endemic: Belgium, with Luxembourg (Belgium nativeA); Germany nativeA; Netherlands nativeA


    A. Beek, A., Haveman, R., Berkhout, R. & De Ronde, I. 2021: Rubus lianos (Rosaceae) – a new blackberry species from the Netherlands, Germany, and Belgium. – Gorteria; mededelingenblad ten dienste van de floristiek en het vegetatie-onderzoek van Nederland 43: 89-102