Taraxacum filidens

Taraxacum filidens


Source: Kirschner, J., Štepánek, J. & Greuter, W. (2007+): Taraxacum. – In: Greuter, W. & Raab-Straube, E. von (ed.): Compositae. Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Taraxacum filidens Hagend. & al. in Acta Bot. Neerl. 23: 443. 1974


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    Euro+Med endemic: Germany nativeA; Netherlands nativeB; Spain, with Gibraltar and Andorra (Spain nativeC)


    A. Uhlemann, I., Meierott, L., Trávníček, B. & Žíla, V. 2015: Fortschritte in der Erforschung der Gattung Taraxacum in Deutschland. – Kochia 9: 1-35
    B. Hagendijk, A., Soest, J. L. van & Zevenbergen, H. A. 1974: Neue Taraxacumarten der Niederlande. III. – Acta botanica neerlandica 23: 439-459
    C. Villar, L., Sesé, J. A. & Ferrández, J. V. 2001: Atlas de la flora del Pirineo Aragonés 2. – Huesca