Centaurea iberica
Source: Greuter, W. (2006+): Compositae (pro parte majore). – In: Greuter, W. & Raab-Straube, E. von (ed.): Compositae. Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity.
Centaurea iberica, Syst. Veg. 3: 406. 1826 wfo-0000014022
AE(G) Ab(A N) Ar BH Bu Cg Cm Cy Gg Gr Ir Jo Le Mo Rf(CS) Rm Sr Sy Tu(A E) [-Co aEs aGa(F) pIt aLa aLt pRf(C E) pSi(S)]
Euro+Med not endemic: Armenia nativeA,B,C,D; Azerbaijan (Azerbaijan (core) nativeA,B,C,E, Nakhchivan nativeA,C,E); Bosnia-Herzegovina nativeF,G; Bulgaria nativeG,H,I,J,K; Corsica introduced: reported in errorL,M; Crimea nativeB,K,N,O,P,Q; Cyprus nativeR,S,T; East Aegean islands (Greek East Aegean islands nativeU,V,W); Estonia casualX,Y; Former Yugoslavia nativeK; France, with Channel is. and Monaco (France casualZ,AA); Georgia nativeA,B,C,AB,AC,AD; Greece native ‒ nativeG,V,W,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI; Israel/Palestine nativeAJ,AK,AL,AM; Italy, with San Marino and Vatican City introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisationAN,AO,AP,AQ; Jordan nativeAK,AL,AM,AR,AS; Latvia casualY,AT; Lebanon native ‒ nativeAE,AL,AU,AV; Lithuania casualY,AW; Moldova nativeN,AX; Montenegro nativeG,AY; Romania nativeG,K,AZ,BA; Russia (C European Russia introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisationN, E European Russia introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisationN, North Caucasus nativeA,B,C,BB,BC); Serbia, with Kosovo nativeG,BD; Sicily, with Malta (Sicily introduced: uncertain degree of naturalisationAO,AP,AQ); Syria native ‒ nativeAE,AK,AL,AM,AU; Turkey nativeBE (Turkey, Asiatic part nativeU,AE,AL, Turkey-in-Europe nativeU,BF); Ukraine, with Crimea nativeBG
Common Names
Arabic (Lebanon): قَنْطُرْيون إيبِرْياBH; Arabic (Syria): قَنْطُرْيون إيبِرْياBI; Armenian (Armenia): Տերեփուկ իբերիականBJ; Bulgarian (Bulgaria): Испанска метличинаH; Hebrew (Israel): דַּרְדַּר מָצוּיBK, דרדר מצויBK; Romanian (Moldova): Албестрицэ иберикэAX; Russian (Armenia): Василек иберийскийBJ; Ukrainian (Ukraine): Волошка iберiйськаBL
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